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Chapter 53

Chu Yu's heart beat faster, and his head was smashed dizzy by this news. She thought about it, the little pink pearls that her tears had turned from last time, and the full storage box.

So, how much do you have to make with so many little pearls, selling them for a thousand dollars each?

Chu Yu's fish heads are now full of money, and she feels that she is about to become a fish full of "copper smell".

However, she now loves the "copper smell".

Chu Orange saw that Chu Yu was stunned and did not speak, thinking that her little pearl was gone, and said urgently: "Is there no stock?"

Chu Yu came back to her senses and looked at

Chu Orange who was anxious in front of her, and she quietly pinched her legs.

There was an instant pain in my leg.

It's true, it's not that she's daydreaming, Chu Orange really ordered with her to buy little pearls.

Chu Yu, who returned to God, was full of joy between his eyebrows.

She nodded heavily, originally wanting to say that there was still a lot more, and she wanted as many pearls as she wanted. But in the blink of an eye, she thought of what Lu Xiuran, the human cub raised by the cub, had said.

Canned fish can do "hunger marketing," and so can her little pearls.

Chu Yu glanced at Chu Orange Orange, thinking that after all, it was her little sister, and she should give some discounts.

"Yes," Chu Yu looked serious, she took out her mobile phone, clicked on her shop on Taotao.com, and whispered, "This is my new store, I sell it to others for a thousand yuan, and sell it to you for a thousand yuan two." This pearl works very well, so the stock is relatively small. Chu

Orange Orange glanced at it, and sure enough, it was a new store.

She thought about the amount of pearl powder used by her little cousin each bath, and the amazing effect of these pearl powders, in fact, it was enough to add a little bit to the water every time.

"I'll buy 20," Chu Orange looked excited, "Yu Yu, can you give me the pearl on the spot now?" Chu

Yu was even more excited than Chu Chengcheng, but she tried to restrain herself from laughing out loud. Sell Chu Orange 20 small pearls, and she will immediately earn 10,000 yuan.

Listening to the sound of her fish heart beating wildly, Chu Yu asked Chu Orange to place an order in the store, and then gave her 20 small pearls on the spot.

Five minutes later.

Chu Yu held the thermos cup in his hand and floated back to the office in a daze. She stared at the 10,000 yuan that had already arrived in the account, and couldn't help but twist her legs lightly.

"It's really fast to make money selling pearls," Chu Yu murmured, "In just a few minutes, I made 10,000 yuan." Since

she can sell pearls to make money, why does she get up early and greedy to work as a social animal migrant fish? Why not quit the job?

Chu Yu just had the idea of resigning, and was immediately suppressed by her again.

No, she can't be lazy, think about the debt she owes, one more job will have one more income, and the debt will be paid off early.

Chu Yu silently read the debt he owed in his heart before completely suppressing the idea of resignation.

Conference room.

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