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Chapter 10 .

Pei Hang suddenly felt very uncomfortable in his heart, sullen, as if holding his breath, but if he thought about it, he didn't know what he was angry about.

He stroked his forehead: "Then why did Chu Chu say that Dad is a scumbag dad?"


Chu snorted and said with a straight face: "Because mom doesn't want you, mom is the best mom in the universe, if you're not a scumbag dad, why would mom abandon you?" Hmph, it must be all Dad's fault.

Pei Hang: "..." He

probably figured out that Xiaodanzi was a loyal "fan" of his mother.

Pei Hang stared at the small ball for a few seconds, lifted the person out of his arms and threw it lightly onto the bed, and took the quilt to cover: "Sleep." Chu

Chu's legs were confused, and he poked his head out of the bed: "Dad, you haven't told Chu Chu, what scumbag did you do to your mother?"

Pei Hang lifted his eyelids: "Did my mother tell you that children don't care about adults' affairs?"


Chu's eyes widened, he thought about it seriously, and said in amazement: "Huh? Mom said that cubs don't care about adults, dad, how do you know?

Pei Hang: "Because I'm your dad."


Chu's cheeks puffed out slightly: "Hmph, forget it, I want to listen to my mother, regardless of the adult's affairs."

She said, grabbing her father again.

Pei Hang bowed his head.

Chu Chu looked up at Pei Hang: "Dad, you tell me bedtime stories, my mother will tell me every night." "

Bedtime stories?

Pei Hang's head hurt slightly, he took out his mobile phone, downloaded the children's story APP, and asked casually: "What story did my mother tell you?"

When it comes to things related to his mother, Chu Chu is particularly excited: "My mother told Chu Chu a lot of bedtime stories."

She snapped her fingers and counted milkily: "One hundred and eight most comfortable ways to sleep, mermaids who lie in bed and live happily all their lives, how four-year-old cubs should learn to take care of their mothers, taking care of their mothers is an excellent quality of all cubs, sensible cubs will take care of their mothers..."

Listening to Xiao Tuanzi's words, the more he listened to Pei Hang, the more he felt that something was wrong, and his eyebrows jumped twice.

Chu Chu counted most of the stories, and looked at Pei Hang with excitement: "Dad, dad, which story do you want to tell Chu Chu?"

Pei Hang looked at the silly little danzi, and from the name of the story she said, he inexplicably outlined the most prominent characteristics of that woman in his heart.


Thinking of the video sent to him by the domestic maid, Xiaodanzi brushed his teeth, bathed, and dressed by himself, and his skilled appearance was distressing, and he even had an extremely absurd idea, the woman left him with her daughter, should it be because she was too lazy and wanted to take her daughter as a "little nanny" to cultivate?

Far away on Aqua Blue Star, Chu Yu, the mermaid mother who was counting her belongings, suddenly sneezed a little.

The tail of the fish behind him swayed gently, and Chu Yu said to himself with a melancholy face: "Cub, you are going to hurt your mother." Chu

✓The four-year-old little mermaid looks for her fatherWhere stories live. Discover now