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Chapter 59

As soon as Chu Yu finished speaking, she looked at the cub's father calmly with a look that she couldn't see, and immediately reacted to what she said.

Her cheeks were slightly red and she added: "It's not exactly for your barbecue, I'm also because I've been with you for a long time, so I can't bear to leave you so soon."

Chu Yu said as she spoke, and even she believed this set of rhetoric.

She racked her brain and said, "Yes, I, I just can't bear you, I continued to stay with you for a while after I became pregnant, and eating the barbecue you made was just in passing."

Chu Yu resisted the urge to wipe his face.

It's so difficult, why can't she control her mouth? After saying the words in his heart, he had to mobilize his brain to find a reason to appease the cub father.

Listening to the lame words of the fish at home, looking at her face full of sadness and tangled looks, Pei Hang lowered his eyebrows: "Hmm." Chu

Yu: ... QAQ。

What the hell is Papa cub "um"?

Her whole face was almost tangled.

Pei Hang: "Four years ago..."

As soon as

Chu Yu heard his words, he was so frightened that he immediately rushed to say: "I just want to have a baby fish with you, and I didn't leave you immediately, not to eat barbecue, because you are because I can't bear you to stay for a while."

Pei Hang glanced at her, fed her another strawberry, nodded and said, "Well, I know." Chu

Yu ate strawberries, usually fragrant fruits, but now she eats them but feels that there is no taste, looking at the cub's father and feeling scared fish.

Pei Hang gently wiped the water droplets on his fingers: "I have something else I want to ask you."

Chu Yu's eyelids trembled slightly: "What else are you up to?" Where

did her baby cub go again? Why don't you come to her at the critical moment? QAQ。

Pei Hang: "I remembered four years ago, you erased it?"

Chu Yu glanced at him, lowered his head, and admitted in a low voice for a while: "Yes, it's me."

Pei Hang: "Why?"

Chu Yu's face became more and more red with nervousness: "Without memory, you don't have to think about me all the time, you can marry someone else and give birth to a human baby with someone else."

It's just that she didn't expect that four years have passed, and the cub father has not yet married a wife and has not had children.

Pei Hang's face sank: "You still want me to have children with others?"

Chu Yu thought to herself, yes, I just hope that you have married someone else and have a new baby, then I can easily take the cub back to Aqua Blue Star.

She was ready to nod.

But when she looked up, she saw the cub's father's gloomy look than usual, her fish heart jumped, the fish's head turned, and quickly waved her hand: "No, how can I hope that you have children with others?" I just think it's been four years, you're quite old, and many of the men your age on the earth have started families. Ma

Ya, I was so scared of fish, but fortunately her fish head turned quickly, and she also controlled her mouth in time.

Pei Hang remained skeptical of the family's explanation, believing only half of what she said.

✓The four-year-old little mermaid looks for her fatherWhere stories live. Discover now