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Chapter 25

She is indeed an unlucky fish that is decrepit.

Chu Yu's eyes were straight, completely speechless, and he felt that he was going to lose his face again, it was too miserable, it was really miserable.

Cub, why haven't you come out yet.

Chu Yu was chanting her baby fish in her heart, but unfortunately, her baby fish didn't hear her heart, and was still shaking her head happily and singing.

Pei Hang was still asking: "Tell me, where did my ex-girlfriend come from."

Chu Yu was anxious, the fish's heart trembled for a while, her cheeks, neck and ears were red, and she decided to bite this matter with a thick fish face: "I don't know, anyway, anyway, someone ran in front of me and said it was your ex-girlfriend."

Pei Hang picked up an apple, lowered his head and carefully began to peel the fruit.

He peeled the fruit and did not forget to ask casually: "So, when any random person you didn't know ran to you and said it was my ex-girlfriend, you believed it?" And then leave with the children?

Chu Yu nodded with a stiff face: "Yes, yes."

Pei Hang's action of peeling the fruit paused for a few seconds, and he raised his eyes: "Hmm."

Chu Yu: "..." What

does "um" mean? Although the cub's father didn't say it explicitly, she heard the cub's father's voiceover saying that she was a silly fish from the other party's cold and indifferent tone.

Chu Yu: ... QAQ

is really a tough cub dad.

So many earth men, how could she have a fish heart all fall on the cub's father's body?

Chu Yu was uncomfortable, and said without much confidence: "You have to believe me, I was really deceived back then."

Pei Hang finished peeling the last bit of the apple in his hand and nodded calmly: "Okay, I believe you."

Chu Yu glared in disbelief. Cub daddy actually believed her?

Pei Hang raised his hand and gestured to the apple in his hand: "Can I still eat it?"

Smelling the aroma of apples, Chu Yu nodded without thinking: "I can eat it."

Pei Hang handed the apple to her, and Chu Yu lowered his head and bit it.

The sweet and crunchy apples are really delicious.

As she ate, she peeked at the cub's father, and saw that he looked as usual, as if he really believed her words.

Chu Yu still felt a little uneasy in her heart, and she was nibbling on the apple while vigilantly peeking at the cub's father.

When she finished nibbling on an apple, she finally heard the cub's father speak again.

Pei Hang said in a tone that summarized the conclusion: "So four years ago, you were deceived by a woman you didn't know before you left with your child.

Chu Yu nodded weakly.

"So now," Pei Hang wiped Chu Yu's lips with a tissue, "Has the misunderstanding back then been solved?" I don't have an ex-girlfriend at all.

Chu Yu only felt that the cub's father really believed her words, and immediately nodded: "Yes, yes, it was all a misunderstanding back then, and I blamed you for it." Looking

at her eagerly echoing his words, staring at his appearance, a smile flashed in Pei Hang's eyes.

He seems to understand a little why he became a "love brain" when he and Chu Yu were together four years ago.

✓The four-year-old little mermaid looks for her fatherWhere stories live. Discover now