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Chapter 38

Oops,, she's in danger.

Chu Yuyu's heart was so frightened that he twitched and twitched, as if he was about to jump out of his chest.

When the others saw Pei Hang standing at the door, they all shouted "President Pei", quickly sat back in their places, and pretended to be working seriously.

Lin Jingyan whispered two words to Pei Hang, and left immediately.

Chu Yu looked at the little sisters of the Secretariat who had just gathered together, eating afternoon tea, and chatting happily about gossip, and everyone suddenly lowered their heads with serious faces and began to work.

She pulled Chu Orange Orange who was closest to her and whispered, "Orange Orange..."

She just called Chu Orange Orange name, and saw that she actually called the customer, looking serious and hardworking, very professional and serious, as if she wanted to dedicate all her energy to work.

Chu Yu: ... QAQ。

Didn't you just say that you will never touch a single cent of work after work, and you want to be a dignified social animal? It's off time, sisters, what's going on with you?

Chu Yu looked at everyone stupidly, and finally stiffened his head and raised his head to meet the cub's father's gaze.

Looking at the cub's father's meaningless gaze, her fish heart "bang" trembled.

Good, good scare eyes.

Chu Yu swallowed twice in his throat. Just chatted with the little sisters of the secretariat, what did she say in the end?

Chu Orange said that men are useless except warming the bed, and she agreed with Chu Orange Orange words. Later, she seemed to add another sentence.

Looking at the cub's father, Chu Yu remembered that she had just said --

"The biggest use of men is to carry a baby, and it is useless to conceive a baby."

Chu Yu: ... QAQ。

Cub daddy shouldn't have heard what she said, right? But if he hadn't heard, why would he stare at her with such terrible eyes?

Under the "pressure" of the cub's father's eyes, Chu Yu left the secretariat three times in one step.

One person and one fish returned to Pei Hang's office.

Chu Yu still has a little bit of luck. When Papa cub closed the office door and turned around, she immediately threw herself into his arms.

Chu Yu looked up at him and smiled: "You've finished the meeting, I've been waiting for you for a long time."

Pei Hang lowered his head and looked at his fish's slightly stiff smile: "Been waiting for me for a long time?" Remembering

the gossip with the little sisters of the secretariat just now, Chu Yu nodded a little weakly: "Yes, yes, I've been waiting for you for a long time."

After she

finished speaking, she didn't wait for the cub's father to reply, and didn't care about his face at the moment, she tiptoed and wanted to kiss him.

Anyway, the cub's father usually loves to play the game of kissing and kissing, otherwise, he would not be so stupid to promise to kiss 3,000 yuan at a time.

It's just that Chu Yu didn't expect that the cub's father actually avoided her kiss, and in the end she only kissed his face.

Chu Yuyu's head was confused, and he subconsciously asked: "Is a kiss on the face worth three thousand yuan?"

✓The four-year-old little mermaid looks for her fatherWhere stories live. Discover now