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Chapter 24 .

Chu Yu could no longer care about eating, her eyes widened, and she looked at the cub's father stupidly, and was shocked by his words.

Marriage is a form of partnership on earth. If she and her cub father were married on Earth, the marriage would be recognized on Aqua Blue Star according to interstellar law.

In the mermaid clan, the older generation of fish go through a formal marriage ceremony, while the younger generation rarely form a mate. Basically, they just want a baby, and then they go their separate ways, and the two fish raise the baby together.

If she and her cub father were married on Earth, she would be a married fish, no longer a single aristocratic mermaid mother.

Looking at the cub's father's cold and indifferent face, Chu Yu felt that the sweet fruits he had just eaten had become sour and astringent.

She just wanted to give birth to a fish cub and let the cub raise her for the rest of her life, and she never thought about getting married.

Chu Yu's whole fish heart was entangled.

Doesn't it mean that human men are ruthless, just want to sleep and don't want to be responsible? The information she collected on Earth four years ago described human men this way.

Why are all these things different when it comes to the cub father? Not only is it different, it's also the other way around.

Pei Hang calmly watched Chu Yu's face change from frightened to entangled, and from time to time he glanced at him weakly.

He put the fruit bowl in his hand on the cabinet next to the bed.

From his intermittently recovered memory, he and Chu Yu secretly took away the small ball in the hospital and refused to meet him, and then today Chu Yu firmly denied knowing him, and wanted to clear the relationship with him, Pei Hang had already recognized the fact.

Back then, he was thoroughly scumbagged by Chu Yu.

Pei Hang's tone was as cold as ever, and he asked rhetorically: "If you have children, shouldn't you get married?" Chu

Yu's throat swallowed unconsciously twice.

She glanced at the cub's father, looked away again, and whispered, "Why do you have to get married when you have a child?"

Saying that, Chu Yuyu's heart moved.

Yes, she can convince the cub's father, the two raise cubs together. After that, she let the cubs go to Earth every once in a while.

It's that the cub father didn't know until now that she is not a human, she is a mermaid.

This matter is more troublesome, not all earthlings can accept it, their former girlfriends are not people, and children are not people.

She should find the right opportunity to tell the cub father with the appropriate words that neither she nor the cub are human.

Now it is important to first dispel the terrible idea that the cub's father wants to get married.

Chu Yu's gaze fell on Pei Hang's face again, and said tentatively: "Many people have children and are not married, they are two people raising children together, I think this is also very good."

Pei Hang didn't answer, he looked cold and looked at Chu Yu quietly.

Chu Yu's scalp was a little numb when he stared at him. What does the cub father's eyes mean?

She endured it, but did not resist suggesting again: "What do you think?" That is, like everyone else, do not get married, and two people raise children together.

✓The four-year-old little mermaid looks for her fatherWhere stories live. Discover now