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Chapter 42

Chu Yu was lying on the bed stupidly, the bed was soft, it was too comfortable to lie down, she was lazy and didn't want to move at all.

This time, she was staring at the alarm clock on the table in a daze.

At eleven o'clock, she clearly thought about starting today to be a diligent fish, get up early, work hard, and pay off her debts and become a fish.

However, on the first day she was ready to be a fish on fish, she failed.

Chu Yu slowly recalled his fish heart that was inspired by the cub before going to bed last night, and thought of the words before going to bed to cheer himself up.

She raised her hand to touch the location of her heart.

Yesterday, this fish heart, because of the plan to be diligent as a fish on the fish, it trembled with excitement, "Knock knock." Now, it was like a dead heart, completely unmoving.

After staring at the alarm clock, Chu Yu's eyes were slightly sour.

The more she thought about the vow she made last night to be a diligent fish and be a fish on a fish, the more dazed her head became, and her whole body trembled.

"What happened to me last night, I actually made up my mind to be a hardworking fish?" Chu Yu raised his hand and poked his head, and said to himself, "Am I crazy?"

Originally in high mood, even dreams were related to being a fish on a fish, but after one night, just a few hours, Chu Yu was stunned and began to suspect Yusang.

She tapped her skull with her finger: "It must be because I was stimulated by the cub last night that I lost my mind and wanted to be a diligent fish, it must be like this." Obviously, my lifelong dream is to be a angelfish lying down and being taken care of by cubs for a lifetime, how can I pump the head of a fish and want to be a diligent fish?

Chu Yu rolled over, lay on his back on the bed, and continued to stare at the ceiling in a daze.

Why did she get up early and struggle to be a diligent fish? Is the bed soft enough, the food not delicious enough, or the sleep not sound enough?

Chu Yu was still entangled in this problem that could kill her, and she heard the cautious opening of the door in her ears, and she turned her head habitually.

Chu Chu, who was gently pushing open the door and leaning out her little head to look at the bed, met her mother's eyes, her face was happy, and she pushed the door open hard and ran in, climbing into bed with hands and feet: "Mom, you're finally awake." Climbing

onto the bed, Chu Chu shrunk into his mother's arms, and finally his whole small body shrunk into his mother's arms.

Dad just told her that today is the weekend, Mom doesn't have to get up early to work, she can accompany her at home.

Chu Chu lay in his mother's arms and looked at his mother with his little head up.

Thinking of her father telling her that her mother was busy and tired at work every day, just to make money to support her, Chu Chu felt that her chest was hot, her eyes were also hot, so moved, she wanted to cry.

But my mother said that if you cry, you will lose pearls, and excellent cubs cannot cry, and they must learn to hold back their tears.

Chu Chu's little head arched in his mother's arms, holding his mother's face in his small hand, and kissed him twice, his eyes were red: "Mom, you have worked hard for Chu Chu during this time." After

✓The four-year-old little mermaid looks for her fatherWhere stories live. Discover now