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Chapter 27

No matter how unbelievable Chu Yu is in her heart, her baby fish is to help her father speak wholeheartedly and let her father stay.

Chu Yu listened to the cub's words, and the fish heart was stuffed.

The cub and the cub father have united, and everyone and fish will look at her, waiting for her reply.

Chu Yu: ... QAQ

replied to something, she didn't dare to refuse.

Chu Yu looked at the cub's father who looked cold: "Then, then sleep."

She was so miserable.

Chu Yu moved, and the whole fish was almost moved to the side. She held the baby cub and quickly lay down and covered the quilt.

Pei Hang glanced at it and saw Chu Yu's face full of lovelessness. He didn't say anything, and lifted the quilt with a calm expression.

His face was as calm and calm as ever, but his heartbeat gradually accelerated.

Although he and Chu Yu both gave birth, he did not have half an impression of the memory of the two falling in love four years ago.

Therefore, in his current thirty-four years of memory, it was the first time he was lying with a woman, even if there was a small ball in between, it still made him a little uncomfortable.

Chu Chu poked his head out of his mother's arms: "Mom, you haven't told Chu Chu a bedtime story yet, Chu Chu hasn't listened to the bedtime story told by his mother for a long time."

She misses the stories her mother told by all kinds of excellent cubs who spent their hearts to make money to raise their mother.

Every time she listened to her mother's bedtime story, she felt full of energy, and she wanted to work hard to improve her abilities and earn a lot of money for her mother.

Chu Yu listened to the cub's words and remembered the stories she told the cub every night when she was in Aqua Blue Star. I don't know why, her fish heart is inexplicably empty.

Secretly glancing at the cub's father, Chu Yu felt more and more weak.

Those stories, all of them are coaxing cubs, cub father is here, she dare not tell.

Chu Yu kissed the tender face of the baby fish in his arms, and whispered: "Cub, my mother didn't prepare a story today, I'll tell it to the cub next time." "

Cub, your father is here, and my mother has to keep some fish face."

As soon as Chu Yu's words fell, before the baby fish in her arms could speak, she heard the cub's father lying on the side suddenly speak: "Chu Chu, is it okay for dad to tell you bedtime stories?"

Looking at the cub's father, Chu Yuleng froze, and always felt that something was wrong.

Chu Chugang heard that her mother was not ready for bedtime stories, she was still a little lost, and her eyes lit up when she heard her father tell her bedtime stories.

Mom didn't prepare the story, and Dad told it very well.

These days, the bedtime stories that her father tells her are the same as those told by her mother, they are excellent cubs trying to earn money to support their mother.

Chu Chu turned his head: "Okay, okay, dad tells Chu Chu stories." Originally

, Pei Hang and the mother and daughter were separated by a distance, because he wanted to tell a story to Xiao Tuanzi, he approached the two in an upright manner.

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