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Chapter 44

Looking at the cub's father, Chu Yuyu's heart began to panic again, and his head was numb, which was simply scared of fish. Her eyes were evasive, and she was speechless.

Is she going to tell Papa Cub now that she and Cub are not actually human, that they are two fish?

With this thought, Chu Yu immediately glanced at the cub father. Her fish heart was empty, and when she met the cub's father's gaze, she immediately prodded.

Pei Hang looked at her dodging and dodging, and didn't want to push her too hard, and asked in a reminder-like whisper: "We used to have secret contacts?" I've never taken you to see family or friends? Chu

Yu was about to use his brain, thinking of an excuse to fool the cub's father, and when he heard his words, Chu Yu's face was suddenly full of joy.

yes, yes, she can use that to fool the cub father. Anyway, he forgot about the past.

"Yes," Chu Yu looked at the cub's father, trying to hide the weakness on his face, "We used to be secret, and you didn't take me to meet your family and friends."

Obviously, her current fish face is thick enough, but now lying to her cub father, she just thinks the whole fish is weird.

Chu Yu looked at the cub father, and saw that he still had a faint expression, and she couldn't see the cub father's thoughts.

After thinking about it, Chu Yu said again: "Pei Hang, forget about the previous things." We have to look forward, live in the present, and don't always think about things that have passed.

She silently thought, stop turning over old accounts, stop forcing fish, I'm going to be driven crazy by you.

Pei Hang nodded: "Hmm."

Chu Yu: "..."

Here it is again, here it

is again, the cub father starts to say "um" again, she can't hear the meaning of the cub father's words QAQ.

Chu Yu's brain couldn't turn, hummed for a while, and asked hardly: "Do you agree with my words?" In the future, in the future, we will no longer be entangled in the events of four years ago, and we will live well in the present?

Looking at her appearance, Pei Hang paused and said, "Okay, let's raise the baby together in the future."

Glancing at Xiao Tuanzi, who was still reading a book, he said meaningfully: "The previous things, the things between you and Chu Chu, I am waiting for you to tell me personally."

Chu Yu's face was stunned.

She looked at the cub father, and the fish heart inexplicably accelerated a few times. She usually doesn't like to move the fish head, this will listen to the cub father, the fish head itself moved, always feel that the cub father's words hide some deep meaning.

However, soon she did not have time to dwell on this issue, because the cub father turned the test paper to the other side.

Pei Hang: "Go on." Chu

Yu: ... QAQ。

She is really a miserable fish, in addition to coping with the cub's father's memories of the past from time to time, forcing her to be a fish fish, she also has to hollow out the fish's head to do these test questions.

Seeing her loveless look, Pei Hang pressed his forehead and said, "Ten thousand yuan."

Chu Yu's spirit was shocked, he lowered his head with a pen, and began to "brush and brush" again.

✓The four-year-old little mermaid looks for her fatherWhere stories live. Discover now