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Chapter 40

Chu Yu feels that she has encountered the biggest and most tempting challenge in the current Yusang.

On the one hand, he is raised by cubs and cub fathers for a lifetime, and on the other hand, he says goodbye to the single aristocratic mermaid mother and becomes a married fishfish.

Chu Yu's head spun quickly, and his eyes straightened.

There were two voices in her fish heart that kept pulling, and one urged her to quickly agree to get a license with her cub father and go to sleep. A crazy shouting makes her refuse and continue to be a single mermaid mother.

Chu Yu's head is confused, and the fish heart is also undergoing a huge test.

What to do, it's so hard to choose. No matter which one she gave up, she felt that the fish felt painful. The cub father is really difficult, and he always likes to give her problems.

Chu Yu's eyes were full of entanglement, and suddenly heard the cub's father's sigh, and she subconsciously raised her eyes and looked at the cub's father.

"Chu Yu," Pei Hang sighed lightly, "Do you like the life of getting up early every day and working hard? Do

you like life now?

Chu Yu thought about it along with the cub's father's words, and the fish heart was inexplicably sour. No, she doesn't like her life at all.

Carrying a debt of more than eight million yuan, not to mention, she also gets up early every day to work as a working fish, and the money she earns she doesn't have a chance to look at, so she directly transfers it to the company from her account.

The last time I went to a buffet with the cubs, I had to show my fish face, and promised the cub's father a condition, so I borrowed a pitiful thousand.

Chu Yu thought about it carefully, and suddenly her face was full of sorrow, feeling that she was really a miserable fish, if they knew about the big orange on the interstellar, her fish face would really be completely gone.

Pei Hang saw that his stupid fish had a miserable face, as if his life was hopeless and was experiencing great pain, and he couldn't help but pinch his eyebrows.

If this is not a fish that he carefully raises, eats and drinks every day, lest she not eat enough to wear and warm, and does not adapt to the living environment of the earth, he will really believe that she has been living miserable when he looks at the silly fish at this moment.

It's really a stupid fish who will "sell miserable" to him anytime and anywhere, but he likes her stupidity.

Chu Yu hugged the cub's father and looked at him pitifully: "I don't like it, I'm so tired of getting up early every day."

Saying that, her fish head moved, and she said softly: "Can you arrange my work time later?" Listening

to the delicate and soft hooking voice of the silly fish in his arms, Pei Hang wanted to agree to her request for a moment.

But it was only for a moment, and he quickly came to his senses.

Pei Hang: "No. Chu

Yu's face immediately collapsed.

"Since you are tired from working every day and you don't like to work, why don't you get a license with me?" Pei Hang said, "After receiving the certificate, you don't have to pay the debt yourself, you can sleep until you wake up naturally every day, and all the delicacies you want to eat after waking up will be delivered to you." Do you really not like this kind of life? Chu

✓The four-year-old little mermaid looks for her fatherWhere stories live. Discover now