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Chapter 19 .

Because of a little weakness in heart for the cubs, Chu Yu ate a small plate of after-dinner fruits for this lunch.

After eating and drinking enough to walk out of the staff cafeteria, Chu Yu touched his flat stomach. The earth's food is not nutritious, but it tastes really good.

She carefully recalled the taste of braised pork, immediately left her baby cub behind, hummed a small tune, and walked in the direction of the staff dormitory with a satisfied face.

When she arrived at the dormitory, Du Xinxin, who lived with her, had not yet returned.

She heard Du Xinxin mention that her sister was not feeling well in the past two days and had gone to the hospital in Beijing for examination, and Du Xinxin had been taking care of her sister in the hospital.

Heck, Du Xinxin said that she came back today and wanted to bring her fragrant Beijing roast duck.

Chu Yu licked her lips, touched her little belly, and thought of the roast duck she felt hungry again.

She took out a small snack and swiped her phone while eating it and waited for Du Xinxin to come back. After eating two packets of potato chips, the door of the dormitory was pushed open.

In an instant, Chu Yu smelled the smell of roast duck. She looked up happily and saw Du Xinxin walking in with her head down.

Chu Yu stood up and prepared to step forward to greet the delicious roast duck, and with sharp eyes, she saw that Du Xinxin's eyes were red and swollen.

"Yuyu, I bought you roast duck." Du Xinxin put the roast duck on the table.

She kept her head down, her voice muffled with a thick nasal tone, and she was clearly crying.

Chu Yuleng held Du Xinxin's hand for a few seconds: "Xinxin, what's wrong with you?"

She took a closer look and found that Du Xinxin's eyes had swollen into a line.

Chu Yu said angrily, "Did someone bully you?" You tell me, I'll beat him up. Listening

to Chu Yu's soft voice and breathless words, Du Xinxin thought of her sister in the hospital, her eyes were hot, and she hugged her and cried: "Yuyu, my sister, she..."

Du Xinxin couldn't cry.

Chu Yu quickly hugged Du Xinxin, who had already cried into tears, and raised his hand to pat her back. After thinking about it, she used her spiritual power to slowly soothe the other party's spirit.

Du Xinxin tensed his low mood for a morning, and I don't know why, but gradually relaxed.

She rubbed her nose, raised her swollen eyes, and said in a hoarse voice: "Yuyu, my sister's physical examination results are out."

Chu Yu only looked at her quietly.

Touching Chu Yu's gentle gaze, Du Xinxin was originally chaotic, as if the mood of the sky falling was more stable.

She took a deep breath: "It's advanced stomach cancer." Chu

Yu was very dazed for a moment, and he didn't know what kind of disease was in the advanced stage of stomach cancer. Soon, she reacted that the place she was in now was not Aqua Blue, but Earth.

Earthlings are very fragile and can easily die. And the earth's technology and medical level is also very low, she remembered that cancer is a 100% fatality rate on the earth.

Chu Yu glanced at the roast duck on the table, and his gaze was on Du Xinxin's face again. Under such a sad situation, Du Xinxin actually remembered bringing her fragrant Beijing roast duck.

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