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Chapter 61

Chu Yu's whole fish was dumbfounded, frightened stupid. She looked at the cub father, the fish heart was terrified, and her head began to be confused again.

Why is that? How could she have such a ridiculous thought? For the sake of an earth man, she actually moved the terrible idea of staying here for a long time?

Obviously, her biggest purpose was to treat the other party as a tool man for raw fish babies, and she actually stayed for a "tool man".

In Chu Yu's dizzy head, the stories told by the old fish in the clan suddenly flashed. This story happened a long, long time, thousands of years ago.

It's a story, but it's more of an admonition to future generations handed down by the mermaids.

In the story, once a mermaid elder fell in love with an alien man. For this man, the elder of the fish not only ignored the dissuasion of many relatives and friends in the clan, resolutely left Aqua Blue Star, eloped with the other party, and finally paid for this man's precious life.

Later, when the elders of the clan investigated the truth, they realized that everything was a hoax.

That alien man had a beloved little plum, but Xiao Qingmei was weak and seriously ill from birth. At that time, science and technology and medicine were still very backward, and the man's little childhood was determined to live less than 100 years old.

Thousands of years ago, it was said that the mermaid's fish heart could cure all diseases. So, the two scumbags hit the mermaid.

They carefully designed and planned a "hero saving beauty" drama, and the simple fish elders were stupidly tricked like this, feeling that they had met "love", abandoning everything for the scumbag, and finally their lives were hit.

After finding out the truth, the angry fish elders went directly to the door and wiped out the two scum, leaving not even a pinch of ash.

Listening to the fish elders in the clan, it was the simple fish elders sacrificed in this story that made the ruling fish in the clan see that "love" is a very terrifying thing that can confuse the heart of the fish.

The ruling fish re-established the clan rules that allowed female mermaids to marry or marry multiple men at the same time.

Now, in the interstellar era, everyone is a civilized fish, and this family rule has gradually changed.

A thousand years ago, the family rules completely evolved, except for the royal women of the mermaid, who could marry more than two and less than ten members of the opposite sex, and the rest of the mermaid women could only marry or marry one opposite sex.

Looking back from this story, Chu Yuyu's heart was "knocking", and he only felt that he might also be completely obsessed with a member of the opposite sex like the fish elders who were deceived by feelings thousands of years ago.

She stared at the cub father's face.

Cub daddy's eyes, nose, lips, face shape... Every place grows on her aesthetic spot, and the more you look at it, the faster her fish heart beats.

The cub daddy is also in good shape, she circled it with her tail yesterday and slept more than once four years ago.

Chu Yu's eyes straightened.

Didn't save, didn't save, she was completely helpless. At this time, she actually has the heart to think about these messy things QAQ.

It's over, she really is like that fish elder, and she seems to have a deep crush on the cub's father.

✓The four-year-old little mermaid looks for her fatherWhere stories live. Discover now