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Chapter 12 .

It's really sad now.

Chu Yu looked up blankly at the unfamiliar environment around him. Suddenly, her mind moved slightly. The cub has been on Earth for several days, and she must have found her father. So if she finds the cub, won't she be able to find the cub's father?

Chu Yu closed his eyes and carefully sensed it, but unfortunately he did not sense the direction where the cub was.

She tried several times in a row, but she still didn't feel it.

Chu Yu sighed: "It must be that I am too far away from the cub now."

She touched her stomach, so hungry. Although there were nutrients, but smelling the smell of food mixed in the air, she didn't want to drink nutrients at all.

Chu Yu actually has a bank card on the earth, which was handled for her by the cub's father.

It's just that when she left four years ago, Chu Yu never thought that she would return to Earth, so she donated all the money on the card.

The song "Lazy Fish Fish" she sang unexpectedly made a lot of money.

Chu Yu stayed on Earth for a long time and found that there was a strange phenomenon on Earth, and many female cubs would be abandoned. She signed an agreement, and all the proceeds generated by the subsequent song "Lazy Fish Fish" were used for female cubs in difficulty.

So now, she is really penniless and can't afford even the cheapest water.

Chu Yu followed the peculiar aroma and unconsciously walked outside a high-end restaurant with an antique decoration style.

In front of the restaurant, there are all luxury cars parked, and there are well-dressed men and women coming in and out.

Chu Yu's nose twitched, and he inhaled hard two mouthfuls of the fragrance wafting from the restaurant. Such a familiar taste, she must have eaten meals here regularly four years ago.

Chu Yu thought back seriously, and finally remembered that five or six years ago, she had just arrived on Earth and set her eyes on her cub father with a clear goal. Later, he used a little trickery and successfully stayed by the cub's father's side and did not leave.

After that, the food, clothing, and place where she lived were all prepared for her by the cub's father, and she didn't have to worry about it at all, and she lay down and was fed every day. The only bad thing is that you have to use your brain every day, thinking about how to chase the cub father and successfully conceive the baby fish.

Chu Yu rubbed his face.

Yes, when she first came to Earth, her understanding of many things on Earth was limited to the records of the older generation of mermaids in the clan. But the old fish who recorded the records were more than five hundred years old, and when she came to Earth, she found that many things were completely different from the records of the old fish.

It was Papa Cub who picked her up and taught her little by little about things on Earth. The cub's father thought that she was abducted to live in the deep mountains and old forests since she was a child, so she didn't understand anything. She also acquiesced to this identity without explaining much.

The more Chu Yu thought about it, the more he missed his cub father.

In addition to forcing her to read books and do test questions to test for college every day, and loving her to control her, in fact, the cub's father treated her very well, at least he didn't let her live on the streets and work on her own to make money.

✓The four-year-old little mermaid looks for her fatherWhere stories live. Discover now