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Chapter 3 .

The policeman who asked quickly flashed distress in his eyes.

The policeman's voice became more and more gentle: "What is Chu Chu's father's name?" Or does Chu Chu have a picture of his father and mother? Uncle can help Chu Chu find his father.

"I don't know the name, there is no photo," Chu Chu tilted his head, "but Chu Chu can sense that Dad is here." Well

, no name, no photo, no family member, it seems that it has to be temporarily sent to the orphanage.

The policeman on the side lowered his head to make a record, and he couldn't help but look up at Chu Chu's face again, and he couldn't help but secretly smack his tongue in his heart.

Such a good-looking and well-behaved child, even if he can't find his parents, will be adopted quickly.

The Lu family's bodyguard squatted down: "Young master, Mr. Lu asked you to go back as soon as possible, the doctors have arrived."

Lu Xiuran ran forward, his small face was stiff, and his tone showed a little nervousness: "Uncle policeman, can I bring Chu Chu home?" I can raise her. Hearing

that this human cub wanted to raise her, Chu Chu "heh".

"No," the policeman said with a smile, "we will send Chu Chu to the orphanage first, and later make sure that we can't find her relatives, and Young Master Lu can let your family go through the adoption procedures according to the procedures."

Lu Xiuran pursed his lips, his face cold.

Chu Chu came to him and handed the cup that still contained small half milk to his mouth with a reluctant face: "Don't worry, I marked you and will find you in the future."

When she takes her father back to Aqua Blue Star, she will also borrow her mother's treatment cabin to treat the cub's heart.

Lu Xiuran took the cup from her hand: "You drink it."

He said, passing the cup to Chu Chu's mouth.

Chu Chu's eyes lit up, and he grunted and drank the rest of the milk.

Several Lu family bodyguards next to him were full of surprise.

Lu Xiuran took a handkerchief from the bodyguard's hand, gently wiped the milk stain on Chu Chu's mouth, and whispered: "I'll wait for Chu Chu to come to me, you have to come early."

Lu Xiuran followed the bodyguard back to Lu's house, and the busy police sent Chu Chu to the orphanage.

On the way to the orphanage, Chu Chu's well-behaved and sensible things made them feel more and more distressed, and they only felt that the man who did bad things and was abandoned by Chu Chu's mother was really a great crime.

While waiting for the traffic light, the police officer driving the car played a piece of music.

Chu Chu, who was originally lying on the window and staring outside curiously, immediately retracted his gaze when he heard the music and said happily: "Mom!"

She could hear it, it was her mother's song, it was her mother's voice.

Mom is the most beautiful, cute, and loudest fish in the clan, and Mom on Star Online is the most beautiful mermaid little princess ranked first in the mermaid clan.

The young policeman who was listening to the song and closed his eyes to rest, opened his eyes and looked at Chu Chu: "What?


✓The four-year-old little mermaid looks for her fatherWhere stories live. Discover now