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Chapter 43

What do you like, how can she like such a terrible thing as a normal fish?

Chu Yu's eyes widened stupidly, looking at the stacks of test papers, only to feel that the black in front of him, the fish's head gradually dizzy.

Her fish heart began to twitch.

What to do, the cub father is going to torture the fish again. Thinking of the days four years ago, when she became a waste fish because of her studies, Chu Yu felt that the fish was dark.

She stood dumbfounded, and for that moment she really wished she was a dead fish.

Pei Hang also unpacked the other bag. Sure enough, as Chu Yu guessed, this big bag was all books.

The dense book made her dazzled and the fish trembled.

Pei Hang picked out three books from the thick books and handed them to Xiao Tuanzi: "This is a gift for Chu Chu." Chu

Chu held three books, feeling that her father was so stingy, obviously there are so many small books, why did her father only give her three books?

"Dad, you're so stingy," Chu Chu pouted, his little finger pointed to the books and test papers on the desk, "Dad, you have a lot of books, why only give Chu Chu three books?"

Pei Hang wiped his hands clean and touched Xiao Tuanzi's head: "Because Chu Chu is still young, it is enough to finish these three books." The rest of the books are all for my mother, do you want to take her mother's gift? Hearing

that so many book gifts were all for his mother, Chu Chu's eyes widened: "No, no, hmph, Chu Chu will not take his mother's gift."

She looked at her mother and said with an urgent face: "Mom, those gifts are all yours, Chu Chu will not take your gifts." Chu

Yu, who was still standing stupidly pretending to be a dead fish, straightened his eyes when he heard the words of the cub and the cub's father. She first looked at the pile of books, and then moved her gaze to the test paper.

It's all hers, and so many books left are actually hers.

Chu Yu hugged the cub in her arms tightly, looked at the three pitiful books in the cub's hand, and then glanced at the stacked stack of books and test papers that belonged to her, her fish heart was envious of the cub and sour.

Chu Yu raised his head, looked at the cub's father with teary eyes, and said in a shaky voice: "It's better to give some to the cub again." The cub is still young and can read a lot of books.

She is an adult "old fish", or don't read so many books, can kill her fish.

Before Pei Hang could speak, Chu Chu said anxiously: "Mom, Chu Chu can't ask for your gift."

Pulling his mother's hand, Chu Chu's little face said seriously: "Mom, have you forgotten?" You taught Chu Chu before, sensible cubs, you can never take adult things. These books are all gifts from my father to my mother, and Chu Chu can't take them.

Pei Hang nodded: "Well, my mother's gift really can't be taken, Chu Chu is a sensible cub." Chu

Yu: ... QAQ。

When did she say such a thing? Why would she say such things to cubs?

With tears in her eyes, Chu Yu looked at the cub's father, sorted out the remaining books one by one, and put them on the big blue desk.

Pei Hang took the little dango from her silly fish, put it on the chair next to the small desk, and opened a children's story book.

This storybook is naturally not a storybook that is normally sold on the market. It was he who asked people to rewrite it, which was completely in line with the central core of the story that his silly fish usually told to Xiaodanzi.

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