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Chapter 36

The moment she saw the cub's father, Chu Yu knew that she was going to lose her face again.

It's just that her mouth is so uncomfortable, she can't care about the few fish faces left, and she looks straight at her cub father with teary eyes.

Even if she goes home and is seriously trained by her cub's father, she doesn't care at the moment, as long as she can keep her mouth from being so numb.

In her heart, the cub father is the best at handling this kind of thing.

Chu Chu tilted her head, not letting her tears fall, she hugged her mother and said, "Mom, Chu Chu's mouth is so uncomfortable."

With tears in her eyes, Chu Yu touched the cub's little head: "Cub, endure it again."

Saying that, she looked up at the cub's father and whispered like a help, "It's really uncomfortable."

Looking at the appearance of the two fishes, Pei Hang stroked his forehead.

He shouldn't have given Chu Yu a vacation and let her come out alone. It's only been a short time away, and it's just that it can make a fuss.

The two fish obediently followed Pei Hang with red eyes and hazy teary eyes, and were taken out of the restaurant by Pei Hang.

In the car, the two fish were holding a bottle of milk in their hands and drinking vigorously.

After drinking a small half, Chu Chu squinted: "Mom, mother, your mouth is not uncomfortable."

Chu Yu smiled twice with a stiff face, peeked at the cub father, and happened to meet his eyes, she was so frightened that she quickly lowered her head and drank a large mouthful of milk to suppress the shock.

It's really a scary look in the eyes of the fish, is the cub father going to close her "little black room" again?

Thinking of this possibility, Chu Yu has always been worried.

Back at Pei's house, she looked around anxiously, wanting to find Pei's mother to rely on.

Cub Daddy's mother hurts her the most, four years ago she made a mistake to upset Cub Daddy, as long as she is fine.

Looking at this fish with a chaotic look and a worried face, Pei Hang could instantly guess her thoughts, and he said lightly: "Don't look at it." Hearing

the cub's father's words, Chu Yuyu's heart jumped slightly and looked up at him.

Pei Hang's voice was low: "Mom has something, I haven't been at home for the past few days, and I just left an hour ago." Chu

Yu: ... QAQ。

Why is she so unlucky.

Chu Yu immediately denied: "You misunderstood, I didn't look for my mother."

Pei Hang glanced at her and didn't say anything.

Chu Yuyuxin kept carrying it, waiting for the cub's father's admonition. But she waited and waited, and when she finished washing at night, the cubs were all asleep and whistling, and the cubs' father did not look for her.

Chu Yu breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that she had escaped, and she rolled twice on the bed with joy.

On the third lap, Papa Cub returned and told her to go to the study.

Chu Yu: "..."

She shouldn't be happy too soon!

Chu Yu was like a dead fish, moving to the study in small steps.

✓The four-year-old little mermaid looks for her fatherWhere stories live. Discover now