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Chapter 55

She looked closely at the questions asked by the customer, and found that it was a series of questions about the effect of pearls, and felt that pearls were too expensive, and asked her if they could be cheaper.

Since this online store was handed over to the cub's father, Chu Yu rarely logged in. She knew that Papa was testing, vetting and applying for branding for her little pearls.

I don't know when Papa cub will be able to make money for her little pearl brand, and now she can still take small orders to make money.

Chu Yu looked at the first customer in her store who took the initiative to come to the door, and was so excited that the fish's head was confused. [100% effective.


thinking about it, Chu Yu's fingers moved quickly again.

【You get what you pay for, although the price is expensive, but the effect is absolutely good.


replying, Chu Yu looked at the mobile phone screen with his eyes, waiting for the other party's reply with anticipation, and held the baby cub in his arms by the way.

Chu Chu saw that his mother had been staring at the mobile phone, and also looked at it curiously. She is not a three-year-old cub now, she is already four years old, she knows a lot of words, she knows the word pearl.

"Pearl!" Chu Chu pointed to the phone screen and turned his face, "Mom, does anyone want to buy pearls?" Hearing

the baby cub's words, Chu Yu nodded: "Yes." Cubs, little pearls that your tears turn into, can be sold for money.


Chu's eyes widened, obviously not expecting that the little pearl could be sold for money.

Can she also sell small pearls to make some money? Her human cubs say that it takes a lot of money to start a cub protection society to help more cubs.

"Mom, mother," Chu Chu lay in his mother's arms, "Can you make a lot of money selling little pearls?" I also want to make money.

Chu Yu looked away from the phone screen and raised the baby cub high: "Didn't the cub contract the fish pond?" Why do you want to sell small pearls to make money?


Chu: "Because I opened a cub protection association with my adopted human cub and two other human cubs." Brother Xiu Ran said that the Cub Protection Association needs a lot of money saved up to help more cubs. Chu

Yu: ... QAQ。

She almost forgot that her family's baby fish not only contracted a fish pond on Earth, but also planned to open a cub conservation society.

Unlike her, she is a poor debted migrant fish with huge debts.

Thinking of the debt he owes, and then thinking about the baby cub so productive, Chu Yuyu's heart is sour.

"The cubs are awesome," Chu Yu touched her slippery little face, "Your little pearls will be sold in your mother's shop, and when you earn money, your mother will share it with you, so that you can help other cubs." Hearing

her mother praise her, Chu Chu was even more excited, and her eyes were shining: "Mom, do you really think Chu Chu is great?"

Chu Yu kissed the cub's face: "The cub is great." "

It's really great, it's not like she's a salty and wasted fish."

Chu Chu rubbed his mother's face, and looked at the mobile phone screen again: "Mom, mother, did someone buy a little pearl?" Hearing

✓The four-year-old little mermaid looks for her fatherWhere stories live. Discover now