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Chapter 58

Forget it, this is my own daughter.

Pei Hang wiped the water off his face and raised his hand to catch two fish, one large and one small, into his arms.

Chu Chu couldn't control her father, she kept shouting "Mom" in her mouth, and her little hands were wrapped around her father's waist, and her mother's long and beautiful tail.

It's a pity she can't move.

Chu Chu was anxious: "Mom, mom, don't wrap your tail around your father, the cub is here, wrap the cub." Chu

Yu, who had just kissed the cub's father, whose head was still confused, vaguely felt that he heard the baby cub talking.

She spoke out in confusion: "Cub?

"Mom!" Chu Chu climbed up with his mother's hand, "The cub is here."

She was halfway up when her father grabbed her arm and lifted her up.

Chu Yu looked ahead blankly, and when he saw the short familiar fish tail swaying in front of him, he said happily: "Cub!"

As soon as she grabbed the cub's father's hand, she snatched the cub back, hugged it like a baby, rubbed and kissed.

"Cub, you have finally grown up, you will swim with your own little tail," Chu Yu kissed the cub's face, "Hurry up and take care of your mother."

Chu Chu leaned over with his face up, so that his mother could kiss her.

Listening to his mother's words, Chu Chu's little tail kept wagging: "Chu Chu has grown up, and he can already take care of his mother."

"The cubs are awesome, and it's mom's favorite careful liver."

Pei Hang watched two fish, one big and one small, making trouble in the water, and he raised his hand to gently stroke the tail that was still wrapped around his waist.

His action was seen by Chu Chu Yuguang.

"Mom, the tail should be wrapped around the cub," Chu Chu's tail fluttered in the water, "Don't wrap the tail around the father."

Chu Yu looked at the cub stupidly, and then looked at the cub father, the tail was loose, got down from the cub father's waist, and quickly "wrapped" the baby cub into the tail.

Chu Chu happily touched his mother's tail.

Pei Hang frolicked in the water with two fish.

The two fish quarreled for nearly an hour before Chu Yu felt sleepy and slept on the edge of the pool with the cub in his arms.

Soon, Pei Hang heard the small cries of the two fish one after another.


Chu Yu had a terrible dream.

In the dream, she stupidly told the cub's father that she was not a human, but a mermaid. Not only that, but she also showed her tail in front of the cub dad and wrapped her tail around the cub dad's waist.

In the dream, she couldn't see the cub's father's eyes clearly. But without having to look clearly, she could guess how shocked, surprised, and incredulous the cub father would be.

Chu Yu opened his eyes abruptly, jumped up and sat on the half-half bed, and quickly glanced around.

She returned to her cub's father's villa. At the moment, the bedroom was empty, only her fish. Thinking of the scene in her dream, her fish heart "bang" and jumped a little fast.

✓The four-year-old little mermaid looks for her fatherWhere stories live. Discover now