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Chapter 18 .

Lu Xiuran glanced at the angry Chi Cheng, learned the appearance of a little fairy, and whispered in a low voice: "Well, let's quietly raise fish together."


Chu quickly nodded his head twice: "Okay, let's quietly raise fish together to make money, and then amaze all the cubs." When

Mom comes to Earth to find her, she will definitely be proud of her.

Thinking of her mother happily hugging her and kissing her and praising her, Chu Chu's heart was sweet, and she took the cub's hand and turned to leave.

Chi Cheng stared and followed behind the two, scratching his ears and cheeks and shouting from time to time: "Chu Chuchu, I will give you all the strawberries I picked."

"Hmph, you just bullied Brother Xiuran, I don't want your strawberries."

"I didn't bully him, I, I just want to work with you to help you pick strawberries."

"I don't want your strawberries."


The three of them were noisy all the way, and the busy parents on the side listened, looked at Chu Chu, and were shocked by the beautiful face of the little girl.

Someone secretly aimed at Pei Hang.

Chi Cheng's father took the time to look at his son who was running behind the beautiful girl's ass, laughed twice, and his voice was rough: "It's worthy of Lao Tzu's species, so young I know to find a daughter-in-law for myself." Hey, then who, Lao Hang, how did you secretly make a whole daughter? Hearing

Chi Cheng's father's words, everyone quietly pricked up their ears.

Pei Hang's tone was casual: "When the child's mother was pregnant, she gave birth." After a while, we will have a wedding. Well

, the marriage must be married, and when the little tuanzi mother appears, it is time to go and get the certificate.

Chi Cheng's father was rough, and he listened to Pei Hang's words and patted him on the shoulder: "Okay, I will definitely attend your wedding."

Pei Hang nodded very calmly and continued to concentrate on the work at hand.

He used to be dedicated to work, and everything in life has always been done by servants. It can be said that he will not even peel the shells of the eggs himself, because it is too time-consuming.

Pei Hang originally thought that he would definitely make a joke today, but he never expected that he would do a good job among everyone.

Not only did he do it best, but he was also quite skillful, not at all like the first time he did this kind of work.

Pei Hang looked at the clean ingredients in the basin, and a certain thought that was firm during this time became more and more shaky. He couldn't find the reason why Xiaodanzi's mother was pregnant and wanted to leave him and choose to work hard to raise the child alone.

Pei Hang went from suspicion to gradual acceptance, it must have been because he did a very excessive scumbag four years ago to make Xiaodanzi's mother sad to leave.

However, from his skillful technique when he helped Xiao Tuanzi tie his hair, to the fact that he now found himself a "little expert" in housework, Pei Hang firmed up certain ideas.

Is it because four years ago, or even earlier, he really took care of Xiaodanzi's mother's food, clothing, and housing?

It was something he found ridiculous and unbelievable.

✓The four-year-old little mermaid looks for her fatherWhere stories live. Discover now