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Chapter 17 .

Looking at the seriousness of Xiao Tuanzi's face, the pain in Pei Hang's head that had just subsided, faintly had a tendency to emerge again.

Pei Hang glanced at Lu Xiuran and saw that he was silent, and his eyes only fell on Xiao Tuanzi from beginning to end.

He touched Xiao Tuanzi's head: "Chu Chu can't adopt your Xiuran brother."


Chu pouted: "Why?"

Pei Hang explained to her without hurry: "Because Brother Xiuran still has grandparents, they will not agree to your adoption of Brother Xiuran."


Chu's eyes widened, and he snorted angrily twice: "Dad, you are a scumbag father, and you refuse to let me adopt cubs." Dad

was so excessive, he actually lied to her, Grandma Lu and Grandpa Lu promised her last time, gave the fish pond to let her raise fish and shrimp to make money, and then adopted brother Xiuran.

"Father scum, Grandma Lu and Grandpa Lu have promised to let me adopt Brother Xiu Ran, why do you say they won't agree?" Chu Chu puffed up, "They also gave Chu Chu and Xiu Ran brother a fish pond, let us raise fish and shrimp to make money!"

Pei Hang: "..."

That's just to coax children, you still take it seriously.

Pei Hang's braincase hurts.

Chu Chu looked at Pei Hang with a blank eye: "Brother Xiuran's mother is gone, how pitiful he is." I adopted Brother Xiuran, and when my mother came over, Chu Chu's mother was Brother Xiuran's mother. With his mother, he can't be pitied.

After thinking about it, she compromised and said: "Dad, dad, you let me adopt brother Xiuran, wait for my mother to come over, I will help you persuade your mother, let your mother forgive you, don't abandon you."

Pei Hang suddenly thought of the strange blue tail he had just seen, and a very strange feeling surged in his heart, some regret, and more seemed to be panicked and uneasy.

After a few seconds, Pei Hang nodded: "Yes, Dad let you adopt the cub, and in the future, you will help Dad persuade Mom and let Mom not abandon Dad." Chu

Chu, who did not "betray" his mother at all, clapped his hands very happily, turned his head to look at the cub: "Brother Xiuran, I can adopt you, and I will give you all my money in the future." You remember to spend it casually, you can't save me money. Seeing

that the little fairy was happy, Lu Xiuran nodded and smiled at her.

In the evening.

When Lu Xiuran finished eating at Pei's house and was about to go home, he was pulled into the room by Chu Chu.

Chu Chu used mental power to check the cub's heart and found that the little heart was still sick, beating very slowly, and looking very unhealthy. However, the gray layer above the heart did not continue to grow, and it must be a specialty of the mermaid family.

Looking at the cub's pale little face and thin body, Chu Chu's eyes appeared in front of Chi Cheng's black and strong cub.

Hmph, one day, she will definitely raise her cub tall, stronger, stronger than the black cub.

Chu Chu held the cub's hand, cold and cold.

Lu Xiuran is physically weak, and he can only warm his body a little by taking medicine every day and wearing thick clothes all year round.

✓The four-year-old little mermaid looks for her fatherWhere stories live. Discover now