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Chapter 48

As soon as this idea came out, Chu Yu felt that his whole fish instantly opened up.

She stared straight at Rat Tian, looking him up and down, and seeing that he was wearing the clothes of a cleaner issued by the hospital, she was even more satisfied in her heart.

Chu Yu's eyes glanced down, and his gaze fell on his palm. The thick layers of calluses made her feel hot.

What a good-looking, thick callus, this is the best proof of the diligence of the scumbag in front of you.

Chu Yu's gaze was too hot, and Rat Tian gradually sensed that something was wrong. He froze, and in fright, he quietly and quietly moved back two steps.

Thinking about enslavement... Persuading the scumbag rat to work for him, Chu Yu made a straight face and said, "You have seriously violated the interstellar law. Attacking innocent cubs is a disgrace to your mouse. These comatose cubs, I have preserved evidence.

Chu Yu said, remembering the way the cub father usually looked at her, imitating the cub father's meaningful eyes, staring straight at the scumbag.

Rat Tian was already startled when he heard Chu Yu's words, and then he was stared at by her with such specious eyes, and the speed of his heartbeat instantly soared.

"I, I promised to compensate," Rat Tian said worriedly, "just according to the compensation you said, if there is any problem with these cubs in the future, I, I will follow up, you can supervise my work."

Facing Chu Yu's eyes that were becoming more and more unpredictable, Rat Tian wiped his forehead with more and more sweat.

This would, what "turn Earth into a subsidiary planet of Rat and Mouse", he had completely left behind. Watching this terrifying fish gradually become terrifying, he only felt panicked, and he couldn't wait to turn around and escape.

Chu Yu tried hard to learn the cub's father's eyes, and his voice was a little lower: "I will naturally supervise you, but..."

She paused and looked straight at the scumbag.

Chu Yu thought that every time she was stared at by the cub's father with such unclear eyes, and then listened to his deep voice, her whole fish was so anxious that she scratched her heart and lungs.

She is now learning the appearance of a cub father, and she will definitely be able to overwhelm this scumbag rat psychologically.

Rat Tian listened to Chu Yu in a low and deep voice, saying something of unclear meaning, he only felt that the bald piece on his head began to cool and squish.

His voice trembled: "But, but what?

Chu Yu was silent for a while, and seeing that the sweat on the scumbag's forehead continued to pour out, she said with satisfaction: "Although you promised compensation, after all, it is to hurt the cub, and you still have a previous record in prison in the garbage star, so I think the punishment for you is not enough." When you heal the cub's body, I will send you to the interstellar court, you save and wait to continue to work hard at the garbage star, shine. Rat

Tian's eyes widened when he heard this. Thinking of the days in the garbage star, his legs began to go soft, and his eyes suddenly turned red.

There is no fish nature, this fish really does not have a little bit of fish nature. In any case, he and this fish are from the same interstellar world, and they are also considered fellow countrymen on Earth, and he actually wants to send him to the garbage star for the sake of the useless Earth cub.

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