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Chapter 32

What to do, what to do, these fried chicken legs and duck wings, really tempting fish.

Chu Yu couldn't take his eyes off.

Probably after watching it for a long time, the aroma of food kept drilling into her nose, and her head was confused, and her hands stretched out uncontrollably.

After Pei Hang inspected the basic situation of the restaurant and calmly let everyone return to their respective posts, he couldn't bear it anymore and walked towards the rooftop of the restaurant.

In order to conceal his purpose, Pei Hang specially asked his assistant to follow.

When he arrived at the rooftop, Pei Hang quickly found Chu Yu's figure, and there was a strange man standing in front of her.

The two were talking and seemed to know each other.

Pei Hang's brows wrinkled slightly, and he walked towards Chu Yu. As he got closer, he heard the man confess to the fish he raised, and asked if the fish in his family would be his girlfriend.

Pei Hang: "..."

His face instantly turned cold.

Lin Jingyan, who followed Pei Hang, never expected that he could also see the scene of President Pei's little girlfriend being confessed.

His eyes widened, he looked at Pei Zong's already cold face, and then looked at Chu Yu not far away and the man who confessed.

Pei Hang stared at Chu Yu, seeing that she did not refuse the other party at the first time, his eyes looked directly at the four handfuls of flowers decorated with various foods, and his forehead jumped suddenly.

Pei Hang stepped forward and saw that the fish he raised not only did not refuse the other party's confession, but also slowly stretched out his hand towards the four bouquets of flowers.

He said coldly, "Chu Yu."

Chu Yu's head was confused, and his fingertips were about to touch the four bouquets of food flowers, but the cold voice of the cub's father suddenly sounded in his ears.

She was so frightened that she immediately shrunk her hands, and her confused head instantly sobered up.

She turned her face and saw Pei Hang, who was walking towards her with a calm and cold face.

Chu Yu: ... QAQ。

It's really the cub dad, why is he here?

No, no, no, this is not the most important thing, just now her head was confused, and she wanted to reach out and take the four bouquets of food flowers handed to him by the little chef, did the cub father see it?

Thinking of the terrifying look of the cub's father when he trained the fish, Chu Yu's head shrunk, and the fish heart became anxious.

Chu He saw Pei Hang walking towards him, and was stunned: "President Pei."

Pei Hang arrived in front of the two, he first looked at Chu He and nodded at him. Then, his gaze moved to Chu Yu's face and stretched out his hand.

Looking at the hand that the cub's father handed to her, Chu Yu reflexively put her own fish claw into his palm.

As soon as she touched the cub's father's palm, her fish claw was tightly held by him and pulled up hard.

Chu Yu was pulled by the cub's father, and the whole fish stood up from the chair.

Chu He looked at the hands that his boss and Chu Yu were shaking together, and he was completely dumbfounded.

Pei Hang looked at Chu He and asked in a calm tone, "You were just confessing to Chu Yu?" Chu

✓The four-year-old little mermaid looks for her fatherWhere stories live. Discover now