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Chapter 6 .

Chu Chu slowly followed behind the two, and when she saw the two enter a car, she stopped.

Father Lu's face was still dark at this time, and he gritted his teeth and scolded: "Little beast."

Shi Xiaotong, who was beside him, opened the medical box and saw the wound on Father Lu's hand, his tone was low and distressed: "Xiu Ran is still a child, so don't worry about


She gently treated Father Lu's wound that had been bitten by a layer of skin, thinking of Lu Xiuran's fierce bite just now, a chill arose in her heart.

"Child? I've never seen a child like him, not even his biological father," Father Lu's sulk in his heart had nowhere to vent, "It's a madman like his mother."

Shi Xiaotong's hand to treat the wound paused. That day in the hospital, the pale woman looked at her with pain in her eyes, and then she witnessed blood spill out of the woman's mouth and stain the white sheets of the hospital.

Shi Xiaotong inexplicably felt that the temperature around him was a little colder.

"What's going on?" Father Lu's face was stunned.

Shi Xiaotong was stunned and looked up to find that the outside of the car was dark.

"This, this..." Shi Xiaotong's tone began to knot.

Now it's clearly daytime. She looked out of the car with a slightly panicked expression.

Soon, she saw a woman in a wide hospital gown, covered in blood, walking towards them step by step.

When the woman got closer and Shi Xiaotong saw her face clearly, her pupils shrank sharply.


A shrill and terrified voice echoed in the car.

Father Lu also saw the woman outside the car, who was his ex-wife who had been dead for two years.

He slumped into his chair.

Chu Chu outside the car looked at the two of them with trepidation and turned to leave.

Hmph, this time the illusion lasted for three days Oh, that nasty uncle who scolded the cub, in the future, if he dared to bully the poor cub, she would give him illusion every day.

Lu family.

Driving away the bad eldest son, Grandpa Lu and Grandma Lu were still full of anger.

Grandma Lu touched her grandson's head: "Xiu Ran, don't care about those nonsense words that your father said."


Lu said angrily, "What are you doing with him?" I will not have this son in the future.

He looked at his pale grandson, his heart was very unpleasant, and his face was serious: "There must be a way to treat your disease, and your uncle is also working hard." Lu Xiuran, you are the grandson of the Lu family, and the Lu family will be handed over to you in the future.

Lu Xiuran's small body straightened up, and he lowered his head slightly: "I know, grandpa."

When Lu Yu went home with a happy face, he noticed that something was wrong with the atmosphere.

Seeing that there was still anger in his parents' eyebrows, he immediately said, "My brother is back?"

Lu Yu does not like business and is very interested in medicine. Therefore, he ignored the opposition of Old Master Lu and resolutely chose the path of medicine.

✓The four-year-old little mermaid looks for her fatherWhere stories live. Discover now