Chapter 04 Luo Feng and Hei Duo Mo

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  "Hey——" Mo Yuhu was a little surprised and was taken away.

  Morosa smiled innocently and looked into the distance: "Master, are you ready to take action? Do you need my help?" Even if he took action, he could at most unleash the means of the Eternal True God, and would rather die than use any means of the world beasts.

  "If you are required to take action, I will notify you." Luo Feng was eager to try. He loved fighting in his heart, and he had not met an opponent since becoming the Eternal True God.

  "Okay." Morosa was a little disappointed. He also wanted to have a good fight.

  "You watch here, I'll go up and take a look first." Luo Feng said as he flew over.

  Morosa stood high in the sky and watched this scene, thinking to himself, "It has not been long since my master became the Eternal True God, and he has not had time to practice powerful secret techniques. I hope this opponent is strong enough, so that I can take action."

  Morosa felt itchy.

  Even without using the methods of the world beasts, Morosa has already figured out many tricks just by relying on his understanding of the 'Great Way of Destruction'.

  "Hmm?" As Luo Feng approached, he also noticed that a flying boat carrying a True God team had entered that area.


  There is a Void True God and more than ten True Gods in this flying boat. They are carefully steering the flying boat towards Huyang City, avoiding some dangerous places along the way.

  “Suo Zi, Suo Yun, you two will settle down in Huyang City from now on.” The leading man with long hair said, “Huyang City is a large city with countless True Gods. The Void True God is just an ordinary one there. You True Gods can only be regarded as the bottom.”

  The two young men listened obediently.

  This man with untied hair is the patriarch of their tribe and the only true god of the void in the entire tribe. He once lived in Huyang City for a long time.

  "You must keep a low profile when you arrive at Huyang City. Those who show off their treasures will be dead in a second." The tribe leader said, "Keep a low profile, keep a low profile, and keep a low profile. Even if you are the most talented in the tribe, you still have to keep a low profile. Because you are too weak now."

  "Yes." The two young men responded.

  "As long as you ordinary true gods don't show off, no one will do anything to you. After all, Huyang City also has laws and order." The clan leader said, "As long as you show off, your life will be gone quietly! The Huyang Guards will not be able to find the murderer even if they investigate."

  "Haha, Patriarch, you have said these things many times."

  "They must have remembered it clearly."

  The rest of the team also laughed.

  The clan leader smiled and nodded: "The first thing you should do when you go to Huyang City is to thoroughly check your bloodline. After that, you can find a secret method that suits you. There are countless opportunities in Huyang City. As long as you seize the opportunity, you will have the hope of becoming a true god of the void."

There was desire in the eyes of the two young men,   Suo Zi and Suo Yun.

  They were unwilling to stay in the tribe for their entire lives, as they were afraid that they would be just true gods in the tribe for their entire lives. They also wanted to become true gods in the void and see more wonderful things.

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