Chapter 11 First Retreat

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        On one of the floors of the Star Tower, the space was vast and boundless. Luo Feng, who was sitting cross-legged, began to grow larger.

  "Big! Big! Big!"

  From the original height of an ordinary true god, Luo Feng's height suddenly increased in the blink of an eye to a height far exceeding the elegant mountain range over 100,000 kilometers high in his own cave. That mountain range might not even be as tall as Luo Feng's little toe.

  "The space-time of the Origin Continent is very stable, and the suppression is extremely strong. The true gods are generally only about the height of a blade. Even if I fully display my true body now, I am only 120 million kilometers high!" Luo Feng looked down at his towering true body and sighed, "The suppression of the Origin Continent is indeed too strong. If I were in the area around the original universe, my divine body would be many times larger."

  The two areas are completely different in terms of both the speed of time flow and the force of space suppression.

  In the primitive universe, the true gods are all very huge.

  “I started from the True God level and broke through to the Eternal True God in a short period of time. My perfect divine body has not grown to its limit.” Luo Feng knew very well that his small universe was constantly absorbing chaotic airflow and converting it into divine power, which was constantly supplying the growth of his divine body.

  Every moment, I am growing taller!

  An altitude of 120 million kilometers is just the height during the development process!

  “Over the long years of existence on the Origin Continent, there are still quite a few people who possess Infinite Divine Bodies.” Luo Feng has a large amount of information about Infinite Divine Bodies. Two of the previous Duan Donghe had Infinite Divine Bodies.

  How tall can a perfect divine body grow at the Eternal True God stage? Luo Feng didn't know because there was no precedent.

  But he understood the height of the Infinite Divine Body!

  "The 'Infinite Divine Body' at the level of the Eternal True God can reach a maximum altitude of 3.6 billion kilometers under the environment of the Origin Continent." Luo Feng thought, "I am a perfect divine body, and my growth limit... should be higher!"

  "Let's develop slowly first."

  Luo Feng sat cross-legged with his eyes closed and began to study the "Chaos Power Diagram".

  Possessing a perfect divine body, Luo Feng naturally wanted to bring out his own advantages. He carefully screened through the massive inheritance of the two lineages and selected the secret method of body refining "Chaos Power Diagram".

  “The divine body is cultivated like a secret treasure weapon. A weapon that is hundreds of kilometers tall and a weapon that is hundreds of millions of kilometers tall, even if the refining principles are similar, the power is completely different.” Luo Feng carefully studied and understood this secret method of body refining.

  "Chaos Power Diagram" may seem like an ordinary method of body refining in the Chaos Realm, but it is very suitable for those with huge divine bodies.

  This method is divided into six levels.

  The first three levels are eternal levels.

  The last three levels are the Chaos Realm level.

  "The first level of the Chaos Power Diagram is 'Building the Foundation'." Luo Feng took a few refining materials and used a secret method to smelt the materials. With the strength of Luo Feng's perfect divine power, smelting the materials was still very easy.

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