Chapter 58 Entropy Tianyan's Arrangement

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Sang Shuiyun looked at him, but there were streams of power escaping into the depths of the earth, quickly moving away from the cave.

"Brother Entropy, I didn't expect you to look at me like this." Sang Shuiyun said in a low voice, "I do have some secrets, and you have secrets too! I thought... we understood each other and would not pursue each other's secrets. I didn't expect you to investigate me and even think that I might be the Blood Cloud Lord? Do you think a lone cultivator like me can have that kind of strength?"

En Tianyan looked at him: "Are you still denying it now?"

"You really made a mistake." Sang Shuiyun looked at him.

"Since I admit my mistake, why has your real body escaped?" En Tianyan looked at him.

Sang Shuiyun was silent.

"Brother Entropy, it seems that you are stronger than I expected. You can detect my method of escape." Sang Shuiyun sighed. His method of escape was integrated into the three Chaos Realm moves. It was silent and ordinary Eternal True Gods could not detect it at all.

"I'm not good at anything, I just know a little bit about refining equipment." En Tianyan said, "It's just that after returning to Huyang City, I didn't want to compete anymore. The outside world said that my refining of equipment is one of the best in Huyang City."

"You are the best without fighting?" Sang Shuiyun looked at him, "I knew you were the same as me."

"You and I are different." En Tianyan looked at him. "You and I are both very lonely in this world, and we don't have much attachment. But I am very grateful for the experiences of this life. I watch the wonders of the world and the practitioners one by one. They have their own pursuits and their own loves... just like you and I in the past, full of fighting spirit and desire."

"This world is wonderful, why do you have to destroy it all?" En Tianyan looked at him, "Why do you want to destroy it all?"

"As long as I can become stronger, sacrificing everything is worth it!" Sang Shuiyun's eyes were cold, "Even if billions of living beings are destroyed, so what? I, Sang Shuiyun, will definitely become the Lord of Chaos, and in the future I will become the God King!"

“So what if you become a God King?” En Tianyan looked at him. “Even if you become a God King, there are still ancient forces like the Flame Wind Ancient Country and the Thunder Ancient Country that are far superior to you. There will always be someone stronger than you in the vast Origin Continent.”


"Becoming stronger just for the sake of becoming stronger?" En Tianyan shook his head, "You and I are really different."

"Of course it's different!" Sang Shuiyun said, "You are just an insignificant wave on the Origin Continent, and I... will be like the vast universe, dominating everything! Countless lives on the entire Origin Continent will be affected by me, and my will will determine the life and death of countless lives."

En Tianyan looked at him: "So, are you happy?"

Sang Shuiyun was stunned.

“No matter how powerful you are, no matter how many lives you can decide, ask yourself, if you are still lonely and in pain, then your path is a painful one.” En Tianyan looked at Sang Shuiyun, “We met once, I just hope you can take a path that will bring you relief and happiness, and that will allow you to face the path you once loved with ease.”

"No matter how the outside world changes, your inner feelings are real." En Tianyan looked at Sang Shuiyun.

“Hahaha, you actually tried to change me?” Sang Shuiyun looked at En Tianyan, “We have known each other for too long, I can see through your thoughts at a glance.”

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