Chapter 36 Accept the bounty mission again

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  In Menghua Tower, besides the two distinguished guests Luo Feng and Zhu You, there are two other distinguished guests tonight.

  "Hmm?" Both figures looked at the outside world through the palace door and noticed Luo Feng and Zhu You flying past in the distance.

  "It must be Zhu You and Luo He, right?" the blue-haired man said in surprise. "Nowadays, we often hear Luo He's name. He single-handedly destroyed a dark force and killed the Blood Python Guild President. That's really amazing!"

  "It's just one dark force." Another purple-robed youth sneered, "Nineteen dark forces, they sound mighty powerful, but don't they have to bow down in front of our five major families? Most of the cosmic sand they earn has to be given to our five major families."

  "Brother Mei Wu, our family is strong, but in terms of individual strength, Lord Luohe is much stronger than us." said the blue-haired man.

  "Brother Jiang, don't flatter these idle people." Mei Wuqi said indifferently, "Even if they have strong strength based on their comprehension and luck, every step they take is extremely difficult. Top inheritance, precious resources, and guidance from their master... They have to fight for every opportunity. How can they compare with us, the children of the big families? We are born with these resources!"

  The blue-haired man laughed at himself and raised his glass. "We were born with a lot of resources, but we can only barely become eternal true gods. In terms of talent, we are far inferior to Luo He, Zhu Hu and others. They still have hope of impacting the Lord of Chaos, but we can't see any hope at all."

  "The limit of the bloodline path is the Lord of Chaos. We must be very strong in every aspect, otherwise we will see no hope." Mei Wuqi laughed, "But people like Luohe and Zhuhu, even if they fight with their lives, it will still be in vain!"

  "Well, it is indeed difficult for the Eternal True God to become the Lord of Chaos." The blue-haired man also admitted.

  There are not many Chaos Lords in the entire Origin Continent, and nations like the Ancient Kingdom of Flame Wind, the Ancient Kingdom of Thunder, and some terrorist forces are better at cultivating strong people and are more likely to cultivate Chaos Lords.

  Among ordinary people, the probability of a Chaos Master appearing is ridiculously low.

  "In the Origin Continent, we, the descendants of the royal family and the chaotic clan, are born to be superior. Even in the life-and-death battle in the Wasoku Kingdom, it is Luo He, Zhu Hu and other so-called powerful eternal true gods who rush to the front. If we win, we will still rule Huyang City. If we lose, the worst that can happen is that we leave Huyang City." Mei Wuqi laughed.

  "The Chaos Clan like us was able to survive because of the birth of a Chaos Overlord," said the blue-haired man. "Powerful Eternal True Gods like Luo He and Zhu Hu fought desperately, and with so many top Eternal True Gods going through life and death trials, a new Chaos Overlord will eventually rise. But we will never have any hope."

  "We have no hope, but they have lost their lives." Mei Wuqi laughed, "I have seen many powerful eternal true gods fall like this."


  Luo Feng and Zhu You took their seats , and the servants they brought with them sat in the corner.

  While listening to the magic music of Aroya, Luo Feng naturally performed the Seven Emotions Refining Heart Method of "Legend Technique" and was completely immersed in it. Although he usually maintained the "Great Destruction Refining Heart Method" to sharpen his will, occasionally practicing the "Seven Emotions Refining Heart Method" was a different experience.

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