Chapter 69 Transformation of Will Part 1 (Vol 2 Chapter 3)

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Luo Feng sat alone on the top of the cave mountain, watching the drizzle between heaven and earth.

Luo Feng immersed himself in the Map of Three Thousand Void Tribulation Beasts for only eight levels before stopping temporarily. On the one hand, his mind felt tired and needed a rest, and on the other hand, he needed to pause and ponder carefully.

"The experience of the calamity beast is different from that of a normal cultivator!" Luo Feng pondered.

"It was born to face numerous calamities, and these calamities forced it to despair and die completely."

The world of cultivators still has order.
The calamity beast only experiences endless calamities. If it despairs and gives up at a certain moment, it will die.

Only with an 'immortal heart' can it survive endless calamities.

"Every time a calamity is tempered, it will be reborn from the ashes. But what awaits it is the next calamity.

"This seemingly endless calamity, just experiencing the fundamental state of mind, makes me shudder."

Luo Feng said secretly.

He has also experienced hardships and life and death tests, but not as much as this calamity beast.

"The calamities that come one after another seem to be some kind of high and mighty rules."
Luo Feng pondered and thought, and he vaguely felt that this high and mighty rule was different from the supreme rule.

"The mind seems to be the most fragile."

"Once the mind's will is destroyed and collapsed, even if you have a powerful divine body, a powerful secret treasure weapon, you can't exert your strength. "

But if the mind is strong, you can sweep away powerful enemies with willpower alone."

"The mind... is a weakness, but it can also be the most powerful weapon."
Luo Feng also admired this calamity beast at this moment.

After going through so many terrible disasters, he finally arrived at the other side and was completely reborn.

Suddenly, Luo Feng felt the Star Tower in his body, and Morosa asked to come out.
"Master, Master, let me out."

Morosa telepathically transmitted.

Luo Feng's mind moved, and Morosa appeared out of thin air.

Morosa looked at the drizzling rain outside, lay down happily, and touched himself comfortably.
"Blood Cloud's body is still in the Star Tower, why did you rest?"

Luo Feng looked at him. He knew everything in the Star Tower.

"I can't hold on any longer!" Morosa lay comfortably, telepathically transmitting: "I swallowed the bodies of other eternal true gods first, and they all helped me in general, but Yu Tianhu's body was too strong, and his blood was also very special. I was a little bloated after absorbing it, and I couldn't digest it immediately." Even if it was a world beast, if you ate too fast, you would be bloated.

Yu Tianhu can practice the way of blood, making his divine body comparable to the infinite divine body, which shows the horror of blood.

"You will be bloated too?" Luo Feng teased in a voice transmission.

"I feel that if I digest it for a period of time, even if I stop swallowing any divine bodies, I will be able to reach the Chaos Realm within tens of centuries." Morosa stood up excitedly and transmitted his mind: "Master, if I continue to swallow the Blood Cloud Divine Body after some time, I think I will be able to reach the Chaos Realm directly after swallowing it."

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