Chapter 39 The Face of the Five Major Families

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  "As long as Brother Luo He is willing to drink, I am always willing to accompany him." Zhu You laughed, "It is a very honorable thing to be able to drink with Brother Luo He now."

  Although the Eternal True Gods in Huyang City did not dare to do what Luo Feng did, they had to consider the forces behind them.

  But it does not affect everyone's admiration!

  "Let's go, let's go." Luo Feng didn't care at all about what he had just done, and pulled Zhu You back to the original hall.

  Morosa and Moyu Qingyan also followed behind.

  "Hehehe." Morosa walked and laughed, in a very good mood.

  "Lord Luosa, the master has done such a big thing, and you are still laughing?" Mo Yu Qingyan couldn't help but send a voice message, "I'm afraid the five major families will not give up."

  "What if you don't give up?" Morosa looked at Mo Yu Qing Yan.

  Mo Yuqingyan's expression was solemn, and he transmitted his voice: "I'm afraid there will be a bloody storm."

  "It's their blood rain." Morosa reached out and rubbed Mo Yu Qing Yan's head, smiling happily, and said in a voice transmission, "You will understand in the future."

  "Their blood rain?" Mo Yu Qingyan followed behind, thinking.

  As Luo Feng returned to the hall to continue drinking, the other guests in Menghua Tower became completely agitated.

  They were either discussing excitedly or leaving quickly to return to their own forces to report in detail. The thousands of Void True Gods of Huyang Guard left quietly and low-key.

  What happened in Menghua Tower spread quickly in Huyang City and fermented.


  In the hall of Menghua Tower, Luo Feng and Zhu You sat opposite each other, drinking and chatting, feeling comfortable and relaxed.

  "Brother Luo He, what you did is considered to be a big deal in Huyang City!" Zhu You sighed, "The group of eternal true gods from the five major families are the sky of Huyang City. If you kill one of them, they will never give up easily."

  "What if they don't give up?" Luo Feng held up the wine glass and smiled gently, "I am in Huyang City openly. I want to see what tricks they have."

  Zhu You could see that Lord Luohe was really not afraid of the five major families.

  "I admire you." Zhu You sighed, "My Zhu family would never dare to do such a thing."

  "You have your tribe to worry about, so you have to be more cautious in doing things." Luo Feng said with a smile, "I am just a lone traveler, and I only have two servants around me. I have no worries, so I can do things more freely and casually."

  Zhu You nodded: "But Brother Luo He, you must be careful. Even if no one in Huyang City can do anything to you, they might invite strong men from outside."

  "I have given face to the City Lord's Mansion." Luo Feng poured himself a glass of wine. "Tonight, I only killed the sinful Mei Wuqi and his accomplice Qian Yuchong. I didn't take action against the other Huyang Guards. I even let them take the purple jade beast away. I have been very restrained in what I did. Even if the news reaches the ears of the Chaos Lord, he will have to praise me."

  "Praise you?" Zhu You was stunned.

  Luo Feng glanced at him and said, "You don't understand this. The God Kings and Chaos Lords are high above us. Their tribes have multiplied over endless years and their descendants are unknown. They can't even settle them in their own fiefdoms, so they have to settle a large number of them in other Chaos States."

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