Chapter 52 Employment in the City Lord's Mansion

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"Divine body, I can't make any further progress for now." Luo Feng thought, "Next, on the one hand, I will practice the "Legend Art" and strive to make a breakthrough in my will as soon as possible. On the other hand, I will increase my understanding of the laws. I have to comprehend a few moves in the Chaos Realm first."

Understanding the laws of chaos is not something that can be achieved overnight.

It requires continuous accumulation, first to comprehend some techniques of the Chaos Realm, and then after a long period of accumulation, one day you will have an epiphany and comprehend the complete laws of chaos.

"The path of bloodline cultivation can help one achieve the Chaos Realm through bloodline transformation." Luo Feng thought, "But I only have one path, which is to 'understand the law of chaos'."

"I have already perfected the three secret techniques of Chaos Power Diagram, Boundary Breaking Nine Swords, and Nine Nightmare Realms at the level of Eternal True God. I still have some misunderstandings about Donghua and Duanmie at the level of Eternal True God, but I have more room for improvement in the Elemental Art."

Luo Feng thought about it and continued to practice the "Great Destruction Heart Refining Method" to sharpen his will. It seemed painful, but Luo Feng's mind and will had already adapted to it.


While maintaining the tempering of his will, Luo Feng's body returned to normal and he immediately left the Star Tower.


As the door to the underground hall opened, Morosa and Moyu Qingyan in the cave immediately came to greet him: "Master!"

Luo Feng's perfect divine body can perfectly restrain all auras. Morosa and Mo Yuqingyan are unable to detect any changes in Luo Feng.

"Qingyan, you're not at home with your father?" Luo Feng asked with a smile.

"As soon as you went into seclusion, Master, he went back to accompany his father and his two brothers. But not long after, he escaped back." Morosa laughed beside him.

"Escaped back?" Luo Feng was surprised.

Mo Yu Qing Yan could only explain: "My eldest brother also got married recently. My eldest brother and third brother all got married, and they helped to match them up. Many female practitioners took the initiative to come to my house. I was overwhelmed by it, so I had to escape back."

"Many female practitioners came to visit me on their own initiative?" Luo Feng smiled. "That's quite a lot. How many are they?"

"There were quite a lot of them. There were even a few brave female practitioners who came to the door of the master's cave." Morosa laughed, "Later, Qingyan asked me to come forward and scare away those female practitioners."

"I have no interest in emotional matters. I just want to understand the ten basic laws as quickly as possible." Mo Yu Qingyan said.

Luo Feng nodded and smiled: "That's right, once you become a Void True God, your life span is endless. There's really no need to rush when it comes to love. When you meet someone you really like, your heart will tell you."

Mo Yu Qingyan listened, but he was obviously determined and didn't want to get involved in emotional matters.

Luo Feng asked again: "Did anything big happen in Huyang City while I was in seclusion? Did En Tianyan get into trouble?"

"Of course he lives a carefree life, and no one wants to deal with him." Morosa said, "But the fighting in Huyang City is fierce. The City Lord's Mansion and the Food Country have fought several battles, and there have been many casualties."

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