Chapter 48 Formation Master

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Luo Feng brought Morosha to the Zhu clan clan cave, after all, they were both in the 'Chaos armor area' and close by.

  "Worthy of being a Zhu clan, this formation alone costs a lot, right?"Luo Feng looked at the vastly functioning formation, the power of the formation was the strongest he had ever seen in Huyang city.

  With such a terrifying formation, the assassin Ying Cang wouldn't be able to kill his way in.

  He Luo Feng after more than twenty eons of cultivation, his realm has improved quite a lot, even so, burning divine power state maybe only expected to tear the formation to kill in.

  "Almost all of the hundreds of millions of core ethnicities of my Zhu clan reside here, there is no room for carelessness." Zhu You accompanied by the side, smilingly explaining, "In the beginning, for this formation, my Zhu clan also consumed a great karma."

  Luo Feng nodded, unlike the five great clans who were all just branches, the Zhu clan was rooted here and naturally operated the cave as if it was solid gold.

  Soon, Luo Feng saw a skinny old man, the skinny old man had green secret lines all over the surface of his skin, he looked at Luo Feng with a smile, "Luo He Godly Monarch."

  "Zhu Gu patriarch."Luo Feng said politely, the Candle migratory clan leader was no less prestigious within Huyang city than Demon Li Lord and Blood Cloud.

  "Please." Zhu Gu patriarch led the way into the small building.

  Zhu Gu, Zhu You, Luo Feng they sat down separately, there was exquisite food and wine served.

  "It was only today that I had the chance to meet up with Divine Lord Luo He." The Zhu Gu patriarch looked at Luo Feng and marveled, "Godly Monarch didn't come to Huyang city for a long time, but his prestige is the most prevalent in Huyang city today."

  "That's just a false reputation."Luo Feng said.

  "Godly Monarch is modest." Zhu Gu patriarch waved his hand, a turquoise jade bottle flew in and landed on the bar in front of Luo Feng, "2 million cosmic sands, divine monarch can check."

  Luo Feng's divine power penetrated and checked, it was indeed a full 2 million cosmic sands, not the slightest bit less. This made Luo Feng secretly lament, the local power that the Zhu clan represented was also quite unfathomable, such a huge fortune was taken out so easily.

  "This is the sword in the realm."Luo Feng gave that mechanical flow secret treasure 'Sword in the realm' to the candle falcon patriarch as well.

  The Zhu Gu patriarch collected it after a slight inspection.

  The deal was completed and the atmosphere became more cordial.

  After eating and drinking, Luo Feng bid farewell to the Zhu Gu clan chief, and Zhu Gu even sent him off personally.

  "No need to send them off."

  Outside the main gate of the Zhu clan's cave, Luo Feng took Morosha and drove the flying boat and left.

  The Zhu Gu clan leader stood in front of the small building, watching the flying boat leave from afar.

  A gentle woman appeared on the side.

  "Divine Lord Wei, your Sword in the Realm."The Zhu Gu Patriarch handed the Sword in the Realm to this woman, "Godly Monarch Wei, you've been observing in the shadows, can you find out the reality of this Luohe Godly Monarch?"

  "He gives me a unique feeling."The gentle woman said with interest, "I left the royal capital to travel around the cities of the Yu Kingdom, and I feel that this Luohe Godly Monarch is the most stunning one I've ever seen."

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