Chapter 51 Three Body Refinings

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En Tianyan said with a smile: "This time you killed Lord Qianyan and forced the Six Lords Alliance and Yunbao Tower to apologize. Who else has the courage to deal with me?"

Luo Feng smiled.

When the Food Country forces were capturing many formation masters, they only gave up the Entropy Sky Flame, which showed their attitude.

"This Food Country force has been trying to make friends with me time and time again." Luo Feng thought to himself. President Zan Yun had visited him many times and this time he let En Tianyan go, which showed that he attached great importance to him.

But he and Shiguo will eventually become opponents.

In the feud between Master and Shi Kingdom, I will definitely stand on the side of Master Zuo Shanke.

"Then I'll leave first. Contact me if you have anything." Luo Feng said, "If I'm in seclusion and you have something urgent, you can contact Luo Sa."

"Okay." En Tianyan nodded.

Soon Luo Feng took Morosa and quietly left Tianyanmen and headed for Yanfeng Hall.


In a small building of Yanfeng Hall, the owner of Yanfeng Hall personally received Luo Feng.

"Brother Luo He caused quite a stir today, forcing the Six Lords Alliance and Yunbao Tower to pay a full million cosmic sands as compensation." The head of Yanfeng Pavilion sat there, laughing heartily, "I'm afraid all the forces in the entire Huyang City are discussing this matter."

"It's just a small matter." Luo Feng said, "I came here today to order a batch of refining materials."

"Pre-order?" The Flame Wind Guild Master and the grey mist figure 'Deputy Guild Master' next to him were a little surprised. The Flame Wind Guild had a lot of inventory and could also transfer goods with some chambers of commerce in the city, so reservations were generally not required and a few words were enough to transfer the materials.

Luo Feng nodded and sent a detailed order through the Dark Palace.

"According to the price of our Yanfeng Guild Hall, such an order would cost 3.65 million cosmic sands!" The deputy owner of the Guild Hall said in surprise, "These refining materials are rare and precious, and most of them are ordinary materials. The number is so large that it really exceeds the storage that the entire Huyang City can mobilize."

The storage of many chambers of commerce in Huyang City is indeed huge. But Luo Feng only needs a few types of materials, and he needs 3.65 million cosmic sands in such a quantity.

"How long will it take?" Luo Feng asked.

"My Yanfeng Guild Hall delivers goods once every ten days." The deputy head of the Guild Hall explained with a smile, "The next delivery will be in two days. At that time, it will be directly teleported to our Guild Hall."

Master Yanfeng also said: "Brother Luo He, your order is rather special. The quantity is too large to be transferred from surrounding cities. Time-space teleportation is the most convenient way to deliver the goods."

"Okay, this is 3.65 million cosmic sands." Luo Feng took out a jade bottle that he had prepared long ago. Fortunately, he got some money from the Six Lords Alliance and Yunbao Tower, so he could afford the fee.

The deputy museum owner took it and said, "I will personally deliver the goods to Brother Luo He's cave residence in two days."

"Thank you for your help, Deputy Museum Master." Luo Feng nodded.

An order of several million cosmic sands is nothing to the Yanfeng Guild Headquarters. Even a huge order of hundreds of millions of cosmic sands, or even billions or tens of billions, is just a small business for the Yanfeng Guild.

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