Chapter 40 This Night

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  Outside Menghua Tower.

  "Brother Luo He, after all, the five major families rule the entire Huyang City. They will definitely have some tricks up their sleeves, so you must be careful." Zhu You advised.

  "I know." Luo Feng nodded.

  Zhu You smiled and nodded: "Then goodbye."

  Then Zhu You and his men boarded a black flying boat and disappeared into the night sky.

  Luo Feng watched them leave.

  "Master, shall we go back now?" Morosa asked from the side.

  "I have one more thing to do." Luo Feng instantly soared into the sky and flew high into the night sky. This scene made Morosa, Mo Yuqingyan a little confused.

  Luo Feng flipped his hand, and a miniature city called "Sin City" appeared in his palm. Looking at the more than 100 million people densely packed in Sin City, Luo Feng shook his head slightly. There was only so much he could do.

  "More than 180 million people have survived torture until now. Many of them have twisted minds, and many are confused and crazy." Luo Feng looked at the miniature city in his palm. "The five major families knew that Mei Wuqi was evil, but they always condoned him and helped him cover up. More than 180 million people, each of them is living evidence of his crime!"

  Luo Feng knew very well that if hundreds of millions of people appeared somewhere in the wild, the five major families would probably wipe them out quietly.

  But if hundreds of millions of people appeared in public in Huyang City, they would be discovered by a large number of people in Huyang City, and countless people would know about it, making it difficult to cover up. The five major families would have to handle this matter carefully and must do it perfectly.

  "Come out." Luo Feng held the City of Sin and released the Hailiang people.

  Wow wow wow~~~

  I saw countless figures being swept out of the city of sin and landing in various places around it.

  The area where Menghua Tower is located is a very prosperous area in Huyang City. There are many practitioners from all races who consume and enjoy themselves here. They all saw a large number of figures flying down in the night sky.

  "What's going on? There's something wrong with these descending true gods." The practitioners of all races around could tell at a glance that the eyes and breath of the true gods descending from the sky were very abnormal.

  Moreover, the space-time suppression of the Origin Continent is too strong, and the true gods cannot fly on their own. At this moment, hundreds of millions of true gods are descending from the sky, which naturally attracts attention.

  More than 180 million people were left behind and scattered across a vast area around them.

  "here it is?"

  Hundreds of millions of people looked around blankly. This extremely prosperous city was so beautiful and peaceful, countless times more beautiful than "Sin City".

  "I am Luo He! I have killed Mei Wuqi, the man you all hate so much." A voice was heard by all 180 million people, and even the practitioners of all races in the surrounding vast areas heard it. "Mei Wuqi slaughtered hundreds of millions of people, leaving only 180 million of you alive. As victims, I believe that the City Lord's Mansion will take care of you and make it up to you!"

  Under the infusion of divine power, Luo Feng's voice had a wide impact, and billions of practitioners from various races in the surrounding area could hear it clearly.

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