Chapter 67 Heart Shadow Sect (Vol 2 Chapter 1)

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In the Shi Country, Liuyin City, inside a super-large cave with a length and width of hundreds of millions of kilometers, there is a sect called the "Xinying Sect" stationed there.

A three-eyed man in a grey robe sat on the top of a mountain, looking at the vast night sky with his three eyes, feeling a little confused inside.

"The Origin Continent is boundless, but there is no place for our Xinying Sect to take root." The three-eyed man sighed silently, "All the major countries and many powerful forces have already occupied all the territories. Even the most marginal and dangerous places have been occupied by the ancient natives of the Origin Continent."

"We, Xinying Sect, only need a large city to take root."

"But in a country, every Chaos Continent has an owner. How can they give us a large city directly?" The three-eyed man was quite helpless.

"The foundation of the sect needs to rely on the 'Ruins of Chaos'. Only when we are close to the Ruins of Chaos, can the sect's disciples reach the Chaos Realm. Otherwise, there is no hope at all. Moreover, the expenses of having so many disciples in the sect are too high. Only a large city with endless resources can supply the sect's development." The three-eyed man had a headache.

"But if there is no hope for a long time, Xinying Sect will only become weaker and weaker, and more and more disciples will leave."

"As the leader of Xinying Sect, I lead Xinying Sect, but there are less than 20% of the disciples when it is complete." The three-eyed man also felt powerless.

He also maintained the orthodoxy of the Xinying Sect.

Those who split away have already split into their own forces and even changed their names.

"My Xinying Sect is a big sect founded by the God King. Even after the God King fell, there were three Chaos Lords in the sect before it split." The three-eyed man only felt sad.

"But of the three Primal Chaos Realm disciples, one died and two escaped. Without the Primal Chaos Realm disciples in charge, Xinying Sect is constantly splitting up, and disciples are constantly leaving."

"Even I have to rely on the protection of Liuyin Hou to maintain the name of 'Xinyingmen'!" the three-eyed man said silently.

The Liuyin period is very powerful.

Among the many Chaos Realm masters in the entire Food Kingdom, they are all terrifying beings that can be ranked in the top five.

The Xinying Sect did have a powerful enemy, which caused the sect’s three former Chaos Realm masters to flee and die.

However, Liu Yin Hou only protected a group of Xinying Sect disciples below the Chaos Realm. Given Liu Yin Hou's status, the great enemy of Xinying Sect could only endure it.

"Hmm?" The three-eyed man sensed something and looked at a figure condensed from blood-red flames that appeared out of thin air beside him.

"My Lord!" The three-eyed man immediately stood up and was extremely respectful.

Liu Yin Hou looked at him and said, "Every large city in the Shi Kingdom has an owner. Even every large city has some branches of big clans or even royal clans intervening. I can't help you gain a sect foundation."

"Your Majesty, we, Xinying Sect, are grateful to you for protecting us." The three-eyed man said respectfully.

"Now I'll give you a chance to gain the sect's foundation!" said Liu Yinhou.

The three-eyed man's eyes lit up: "Just give me your orders, my Lord."

He had been waiting for this day for a long time.

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