Chapter 70 Transformation of Will part 2 (Vol 2 Chapter 4)

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At this moment, the will of the mind has completely entered a new world. If Luo Feng's will of the mind was previously time-tough and indestructible, then it could cut through all obstacles on the road.

At this moment, Luo Feng's spiritual will has a new charm... The spiritual will can be gathered into a force as powerful as the heaven and earth, or it can be divided into billions of vitality!

Even if Luo Feng's mind and will were terribly attacked, as long as a little bit of it remained~~ he could quickly recover to his peak!

This is the spiritual path that Luo Feng comprehended from the Calamity Beast Diagram. Only with an immortal heart can one survive thousands of calamities and reach the final shore, completely reborn!

"My mind and will have long reached the peak of the Chaos Master level! But even if I become an eternal true god, my divine body is more than a billion times larger! I have practiced the "Fierce Yuan Technique" for more than 20 centuries and still haven't made a breakthrough! It's because I have never understood the essence of it!

If you don't have the essence of understanding, then you have to rely on time to hone it. I'm afraid it will take thousands or even tens of thousands of centuries to hone the "Legendary Art" before you can break through to the God King level of will!

Luo Feng suddenly realized something at this moment! Time is magical!

After a long time of hard work, there will be a harvest in the end!

But the fact that I was able to break through the three thousand Void Tribulation Beast Diagrams in a short period of time played a big role, which also made my cognition of spiritual will change!

I have transformed myself by only understanding a little bit of the diagram of the calamity beast. How terrifying is this real calamity beast? Luo Feng thought that with this transformation of his will, his strength has finally been greatly improved. I also have the means to deal with me, the master of chaos.

Luo Feng felt a lot more relaxed!

In the past, it relied on the will of the Chaos Peak to cooperate with the "Fierce Yuan Technique", but many Chaos Lords have multiple inheritances and all have relatively powerful will secrets. Even some talented people can comprehend the origin of the avenue and create their own will secrets!

Even if their willpower cannot reach the peak of chaos, the difference will not be too big!

Therefore, once they fight, the difference in willpower is not big, and it is difficult to defeat the opponent just by relying on the advantage of "Legend Technique"!

An injured Chaos Lord can still launch a frenzied counterattack.

"According to Master's intelligence, only a few Chaos Lords can break through to the Divine King level. Luo Feng thinks that anyone below the Divine King level willpower will be no match for me!"

With the advantage of "The Art of Arrays", he is able to sweep through most of the Chaos Realm.

"According to the teacher's speculation, as my strength increases, the advantage of the "Legend Technique" will become smaller and smaller!" Luo Feng understood that this intelligence record was a legend that had escaped from the cage in the Origin Continent!

He also taught many younger generations and left behind some inheritances, and "The Art of Forming Elements" is just one of them!

The inheritance left by Yuan did cause competition among various forces on the Origin Continent, and in the end, most of it was controlled by the two ancient countries!

"And Master, I suspect that there should be ancient beings in the two ancient countries who have escaped from the cage, because the two ancient countries are much stronger than other countries, and they have more mysterious and powerful inheritances."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10 ⏰

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