Chapter 12 Fire Realm Restaurant 'Black Butcher'

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  Luo Feng looked at the wine jar and barbecue in Morosa's hand and couldn't help but smile: "You have been enjoying yourself these days. On the way back, you were reluctant to put down the wine and meat in your hand."

  "Comfortable and comfortable?" Morosa took a big bite of meat and shook his head repeatedly, "Not comfortable and comfortable at all, Master, you told me not to cause trouble! For more than a century, I didn't dare to cause any trouble! It was so frustrating, I just endured it all the time!"

  "Feeling aggrieved?" Luo Feng asked.

  Morosal nodded: "Huyang City has mixed forces, and there are some crazy people who like fighting and deliberately pick a fight! According to my temper, I would have crushed them to death with one hand. But the master's order is above everything! I will not disobey it even if I die! So I can only endure it and make a big thing small, and a small thing nothing."

  Luo Feng was very curious: "You made a big thing small, and a small thing nothing?"

  The beast born from the Avenue of Destruction was ferocious by nature. Luo Feng was curious about how he could endure it.

  "I just hurt them a little bit, let them feel the difference in strength! And let them pay a fine." Morosa explained quickly, "I'm not looking for trouble. If you don't fight back when you get beaten, you will only be bullied more severely."

  Luo Feng nodded: "I understand. A coward will be eaten to pieces in Huyang City."

  "Master is wise." Morosa smiled and couldn't help but drink a few sips of wine happily.

  "You don't like drinking much in your hometown." Luo Feng was curious.

  Morosa's eyes lit up, and he quickly said, "Master, you have come to the Origin Continent, but you haven't tasted the wine here? Some of the wine here tastes much better than the wine in your hometown."

  "Let me try it." Luo Feng took the wine jar and took a sip.

  As soon as I took a bite, I immediately felt that my soul and consciousness were nourished, and I felt comfortable and relaxed.

  "Interesting." Luo Feng said in surprise, "After coming to the Origin Continent, I only drank a cup of Chun Mi wine at the Yanfeng Hall. The taste of that wine was relatively restrained. But your wine is overbearing. It has some influence on my soul consciousness."

  Luo Feng's soul consciousness is so powerful that he feels comfortable and relaxed.

  If the True God of Void drank alcohol, he would probably feel so comfortable that he would feel like he was floating in the air.

  Morosa nodded and said, "The newly born creatures on the Origin Continent can absorb the power of heaven and earth and do not need to eat or drink. Therefore, their food and wine... are not for replenishing energy, but they all have some miraculous effects."

  "It's either a very strong olfactory stimulation, or it has some benefits to the divine body and soul consciousness, which makes the true gods very greedy." Morosa said.

  Luo Feng nodded.

  He also knew this. Ordinary food and drinks in the Origin Continent were worthless. Only some special food and drinks could be sold at a high price. Generally, they had miraculous effects such as cleansing the divine body and nourishing the soul.


p> "This can of wine of mine requires three Chaos Crystals! I have to drink it sparingly." Morosa collected it with great care.
  "The food and wine are so attractive? Come on, Morosa, take me to have a look." Luo Feng said.

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