Chapter 23 Diao Rongqi's Choice

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  Diao Rongqi sat there blankly, tears streaming down her face.

  "Xiao Qi, what's wrong?" Mo Li Feiyun suddenly woke up completely when he saw his friend crying, and asked hurriedly, "What happened?"

  "My father is dead." Diao Rongqi said blankly.

  When her father was alive, she was a noble lady from a big family, and she made friends with the children of the big families in Huyang City. She even looked down on the ordinary eternal true gods. She wanted to become the disciple of the strongest "Devil Li Xiao Commander" in Huyang City. As a second choice, she also wanted to become the disciple of "Lord Luohe" who had the ability to suppress the dark forces.

  Diao Rongqi was reluctant to choose her father, an ordinary Eternal True God who was good at refining medicine.

  But when her father died and left her a way out in his message before his death, she found it a little too much to bear.

  "Father!" Diao Rongqi knew very well that her father was the closest relative who loved her the most in the world and was willing to give everything for her.

  "Yan Bo is dead?" Mo Li Feiyun couldn't believe it. "How is it possible? Yan Bo is the Eternal True God. Who killed him?"

  "He was indeed killed."

  A sigh was heard, it was from the current ruler of the Mo Li clan, 'Mo Li Meng'. As for Mo Li Xiao, he did not have the energy to manage the family affairs.

  "Father." Mo Li Feiyun looked at his father.

  "Just now, all the creatures in the cave where the main branch of the Diao Rong clan was located were killed, leaving no one alive." Mo Limeng said, "Now only a few branches of the Diao Rong clan are left."

  The size of the caves was limited, so some large tribes had to disperse, especially the marginal branches, who could only live in some ordinary caves. This time, it was the core of the Diao Rong tribe that was wiped out.

  "Father, who is the murderer?" Mo Li Feiyun asked.

  Diao Rongqi also looked at Mo Limeng.

  Mo Limeng said: "Before Diao Rongyan died, he must have contacted many friends through the cause and effect communication order, saying that the murderer was the Blood Python Guild President Mu Yang."

  "My father also sent me a message, saying that the murderer was the Blood Python Guild leader." Diao Rongqi said hoarsely, "The entire cave, including my father, has killed tens of thousands of people, from the Eternal True God to the children of the tribe. No one was spared. With the solid evidence sent by my father himself, the City Lord's Mansion should take action, right?"

  Mo Limeng shook his head: "President Blood Python is not an ordinary eternal true god. He commands a force. Killing him is not an easy task. It also requires discussion among the five major families before a decision can be made. Moreover, your father sent a message before his death, which is not conclusive evidence. It is entirely possible that the murderer disguised himself as President Blood Python."

  "Disguise?" Diao Rongqi was anxious, "You can't believe the message my father sent before his death?"

  "Some secret disguises are hard for the Eternal True God to see through," Mo Limeng said. "In short, to completely identify the murderer and get the City Lord's Mansion to take action... is difficult."

  Diao Rong

Qi was silent.

  "After your father died, his many businesses, including the caves and shops for refining medicine, etc., are difficult for you, a Void True God, to control." Mo Li Meng shook his head, "My Mo Li clan can help take over."

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