Welcome to My Life

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Chapter 1-

I sit in my room, on my messy bed and turn on my computer. It takes a while to load, and in that time, I put away my homework into my unorganized backpack. My computer makes the dingy sound saying its ready to be logged into and I jump across my room to do so. I type in my password as my username is programmed to be the only one. It accepts the correct password and brings me to my homescreen. The wall paper is the Slender the 8 pages logo. I love to play indie horror games, especially Slender Man ones. Just like Markiplier, Yamimash, Pewdiepie and tons of other Youtube Let's Players. I have all the Slender games loaded on here along with some other funny games like Unfair Mario and Happy Wheels. Good times, good times.

I start up Happy Wheels for a few Bottle Runs, my favorite levels. Maybe a couple Ball Throws and some Death Wheels if I have times. The main screen comes up and I start up the level select screen. I scroll for a while until I find a Bottle Run that looks appealing. I load it up and start pedaling with the father and son across the bottles at top speed. I slam into the end and the victory sign comes up.

"Hell yeah!" I shout and go back to the level select. I find a suitable Ball Throw, and load it up. I examine the holes and start chucking balls around like a boss. I land it in the win section and fist pump. Next is another Ball Throw, but neon, ooh!!!! I am about to chuck the first ball when a disturbing knock at my door sounds.

"Kiera!!! What are you doing?" my mom shouts form the other side.

"Playing a game," I say calmly.

"Waste of time! Get off you computer and do something not so stupid."

"Like what? When ever I do something else, you flip so I might as well be sleeping."

"No, I won't get mad if you were to watch TV or play with your brother."

"Well duh. If I'm playing with Henry, I'd just be watching TV.

"It's better than you."

"Get the hell away from my room!" I snap. My mom grimaces and walks back upstairs. Seriously, comparing me to my little brother is really stupid. He's a lot younger and me, and well, yeah. It's kinda stupid if you ask me, but I guess if everyone is better than me according to her.

I reset the level and do it no problem. For three more hours I play Happy Wheels and a bit of Minecraft. Gotta love being a nerd. When I get bored, I check the time. Two more hours until dinner. Enough time to watch Markiplier and Yamimash play some G-Mod Horror maps. I get onto YouTube and pull up an episode from Mark's channel. Then, right as Mark is raging at Aaron, my door knocks and my little brother toddles in.

"Hey Henry. What is it?" I ask, quickly muting the video.

"Why do you and Mommy fight so much?"

"Because she doesn't understand me. Promise me something?"


"When you're my age, do something productive like be an athelete. Don't be lazy like me."

"Okay!" he says and runs off. Once I know he's upstairs, I turn the volume back up and rewind a bit. I spend all day until dinner, watching Mark and Aaron, laughing my ass off. My mom calls for me and I turn my laptop off and go upstairs. My dad is home, probably the only person in the family who understands me.

"Hey kiddo," he hugs me.

"Hey Dad. How was work?"

"Productive. Had lots of meetings."

"Sounds good," I say, sitting next to Henry at the dinner table. My mom serves us dinner, which is chicken and rice with a side of corn. I eat slowly, not enjoying the sound of only forks and knives. My dad tries to make conversation but to no avail. Harry also tries, and makes some better headway. I can tell Mom is still pissed and Dad can tell too. When Henry's done, he goes to his room to play. The second we know he's there, my Mom starts up again.

"I know you don't play sports or have a big social life (ouch) but do you really have to sit around all day doing nothing?"

"Why do you care so much? I have good grades, am in my junior year and have nothing to worry about."

"What college are you going to?"

"I haven't thought about it, only because I'm taking a year off after I finish high school."

"Stupid if you ask me."

"Yeah, that's coming from the woman who went to college for two years and got kicked out. Wow, you should be talking."


"Watch me."

"Go to your room!"

"Fine!" I shout and leave to my room, slamming the door and blockading it with my dresser. She can never get in when I do this. I flop onto my bed and turn my computer back on and go onto youtube and watch Mark some more. When ever I'm down or pissed, I just watch him and it all goes away.

"Holy Balls!!!!! Getawaygetawaygetawaygetawaygetaway!!!!" He shouts as he runs from Slendy. I burst into laughter and my door sounds.

"Who is it now?"

"Kiera, can I come in?" My dad asks. I pause the video and lock the screen. I move the dresser and let him in.

"I know you and Mom don't get along."


"But you've got to cut her some slack. She's only doing what's best for you. She want's you to succeed."

"But seriously, she only yells at me because of watching youtube. I don't get it either! I have good grades, haven't ever had a detention or suspension and also, I'm a good kid in general. Who cares if I don't have a giant social life?! I have my close and loyal friends and am happy with my life."

"I understand. But still, cut her some slack. She had a tough life."

"Yeah, because having an older brother was such a big deal."

"He abused her."

"That's her problem. I don't ever hurt Harry, if anything, I protect him getting hurt. And I always will. She doesn't need to piss me off to no end because her brother was a jerk."


"We done?"

"I just want you to cut her some slack that's all love."

"I'll try, I guess." Dad kisses my forehead and leaves my room. I decide to take a quick shower and then spend the rest of the night until I fall asleep, watching Mark and Aaron. Two hours later, I crash.

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