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Lauren's POV
New terms always mean new students. I teach a lot of subjects, to say I struggled in Maths in school, it's one of my most successful subjects. I teach, Science, Maths, Music and English.

Anyway, I'm 20 years old, I don't live at home anymore, I moved out when I was 18, my mom never accepted the fact I liked girls as well. My parents split up when I was 10 but I still see my dad, my little sister Carly is one of my students, for 10th grade which I teach occasionally. I teach 12 graders and those ones who stay on. I change into black skinny work trousers, a red blouse and a blazer, my hair is in a high ponytail and my black converse; I grab a Starbucks which I take to school with me and a muffin. I walk into school with my bag in my hands "Morning Sir" I say to the principal "Good morning Lauren!" He says I smile and see my schedule for today, I skim through the registers. I smile.

I'm on gate duty and I'm drinking my coffee with Kate, the other English teacher. "Hm, no I've had them before but it's first day of their last year, I'm pretty nervous for them" she says "Me too" I say taking a sip of my Starbucks, I hear a woof whistle "Looking good Miss Dáiz" Jason says, I laugh "See you in first period Jason" I say "Will do miss" he winks, I roll my eyes "He floats his boat to low" I say, she laughs; I look at my watch. "I need to get to class" I say "Same, who've you got first?" She asks "Music, you?" I ask "Science" she sighs, I laugh. "I'll see you at break" I say walking to music. I sit down at my desk. "Morning Miss D" Alexis says "Morning Lex" I say, I greet the students. "Hey, are you Demi?" I ask "Uh yeah, why?" She replies "No, I just had to remember you're the new student, sorry" I say "no problem" she smiles, I smile back before standing up "ASS" Jason shouts "Enough" I say, he nods apologetically "Good morning class, I'm Miss Dáiz, you can call me Miss D or just miss" I say "For any new students and I know there's about three in this class, I have ground rules. Jason has tested me on them, alongside Amelia and her posey, you won't know Amelia because she's a graduate, she continued taking subjects though. Anyway, my rules are you do your work in the given time, we can do something fun for the last half an hour of the lesson, you don't, you get 1 hour detention, if you back chat me, the punishment will be spending a hour and a half with me and you'll be being tutored, respect me, I'll respect you, got it?" I say, they nod "But if you ever need to talk to someone, come to my class at break and lunch and I'll help you." I smile "Jason you've had experience of tutoring haven't you?" I say "Yeah" he says "What was it like?" I ask "Well I got an A* in my Math GCSE so it payed off but it was dreadful" he says, I smile "Anyway, we have three new students, Demi Lovato, Jaxon Oldham, and Carson Ray, respect them and let them fit in" I say "So today class were gonna just get to know each other and the three new students, I have only taught, Jason, Marissa, Carl and Amelia in this class so I don't know you guys. So I'll start off" I say "I'm Lauren Dáiz, I'm 20, I graduated from school early because I got all my GCSE's to A*'s. I'm relaxed and I love singing and working out" I say, I point round the circle "Hey, I'm Jason, I'm 16, I love soccer, I also love playing the guitar it relaxes me.. My mom is my inspiration" He says, I smile, I've helped him a lot "Hi, I'm Marissa, I'm 16, my best friend just moved here so I'm happy about that, I love hair and beauty and I have my own blog" she says, I grin "Um, hi I'm Demi Lovato, I'm new, I just came from homeschooling, I adore singing and wanna be big someday, I play 4 instruments, and my little sister is my inspiration" she says, I smile "Thank you Demi." I say "Okay, so you've all learnt names?" I say, they nod. "I'm pairing you up to begin working on an assessment for next lesson, you'll compose a song and play it on the keyboard, guitar or drums for us to listen too" I say "So, Marissa and Demi, Jason and Alexis, Jaxon and Melissa, Carson and James and, Amy and Justine" I say.

It's a small class but I prefer it like this. "So these are your pairs. You'll start next lesson and complete it in 3 weeks. Great lesson today. Have a good day" I reply. I pack my stuff away, to go over to Maths block "Hey, Miss D" I hear someone say "Yep?" I look up, it's Marissa "Hey, I was wondering if you could talk with Demi's mom about tutoring her in Math? She struggles a lot on that, you'll see next lesson Algebra is her worst topic and Pythagoras theorem" she says "I'll call her a break time and I'll let you know" she nods "Thank you" She says, I smile before walking to Maths. I put my stuff down, and set my laptop up. "Good morning class!" I say "Morning" they reply, I take the register and send it off. "Why isn't Caitlin in on the first day?" I ask "She's in Egypt" Someone says, I nod "Anyways, first topic of the year is Pythagoras Theorem, I know this is a hard subject but you will get the hang of it. I'll help you" I explain it and give them the sheets! Marissa looks at me and I look at Demi "Hey, need some help?" I ask, she nods. "What's wrong?" I ask "I don't get any of it" she says "Basically you have three squares A squared is smallest, B squared is slightly bigger and C squared is biggest. Okay?" I say, she nods "so it's A squared + B squared = C squared, got it?" I say, she nods "now for example say there's this triangle and the length of A and B are 6cm? You add them together which is twelve, and C is always the longest side so C is twelve, or if A is 19mm and B is 25mm, that means C will be 44?" I smile, she nods "I got it" She replies "I can home tutor you if you like? You can come to my house or we can go to yours and I'll tutor you on Maths?" I ask, she nods "I struggle a lot on algebra" she says "I understand, which is why before we do it next term I'll hopefully have you on it like a genius. I'll arrange it with your mom" I reply smiling. I look at the clock "Okay, class, sheets to the front, if you've borrowed equipment, put it in my desk please and then you're free to go to break" I say. I move the chair back the original place.

Once the class is over, I make the call to Demi's mom "Hello? Is this Dianna De La Garza?" I ask "Yes speaking, is Demi okay? Is she hurt?" She rambles on "No no, she's fine. I was wondering she said she struggles a little on Maths, right? So I was thinking if it's okay with you, I could home tutor her, my house or your own, I wouldn't mind, I just want to give her the best chance at A*'s" I say enthusing that she is fine. "I was going to call you to ask about that but of course, you can do it at your house some times of the week and ours the other, so we split it, you know?" She says "Yes that's great. I'll start tonight at my house?" I say "Of course thank you Miss Dáiz" she says "Please, call me Lauren" I say. "Okay thank you Lauren, goodbye now" she says "Goodbye"

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