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Demis POV
I was good to hang out with Stevie, we got to know each other a lot. Lauren texted me a couple of times but I ignored them, Marissa did too. I walk into school the next day and Marissa is stood with Stevie and Ally "Hey!" I say Stevie smiles at me "Hey" she replies, I smile sweetly, Marissa glances at me, I' look over at her "Shall we go to class now Demi?" She says, I nod before saying bye to the girls "What the fuck is going on there?" She asks "Nothing?" I say "Your exchanging looks that aren't exactly normal ones" She says "We're just smiling friendly at each other" I say, she sighs "Anyway did you reply to Miss Daiz's messages" she asks, I shake my head "No, it was around 10 that I got home" I say "Fine, come on we're gonna be late" She says, I walk into the classroom and Lauren isn't there "Where's Miss?" She asks, I shrug and letting the lesson continue.. I get my phone out

- Where are you?xx

I'm just really depressed and i dont know what to do.. Xx

-I'll be there in 10!xx

You don't have too.. Xx

-I will be there in 10 minutes. Xx

I put my phone away and grab my stuff, "Where are you going?" Marissa asks "Lauren's really depressed so I need to be with her" I say "Okay, text me later" She says hugging me. I walk out of the class the teacher looking at me. I brush it off and walk passed Stevie and Ally's class; instantly getting messages from the both of them, I ignore them and run through reception, I get into my car and speed off to Lauren's.

Once I arrive I park and use the key she gave to me that, I open the door, and walk through to the lounge, where she's sat with her blanket to her chin, I look down at her and my heart breaks... I look at her "Lauren.." I say, she looks up at me and her eyes are watery "Come here" I say, she scoots across to me and rests her head on my chest "It's okay! I say, I hear her little sobs "I dont know what's going on Demi" she says "I know you don't but everything will get better as time goes on I promise you" I say "How do you know?" She asks "Pass experiences" I say "What do you mean" she asks "I used to be depressed, I mean severally, I got high and I used to drink a lot, I did cocaine too, on a plane, smuggled vodka onto a plane, I had been self harming from 11, I didn't eat, I was anorexic but I was bulimic too. Everything was bad, I was bad. I didn't wanna be there anymore.. But then someone stepped up like 'dude you need help' and I didn't wanna believe that so I continued doing my shit until my little sister found me passed out from drugs, from that day I knew I needed help, so I got admitted to Timberline Knolls Chicago, where I detoxed, got clean. Sorted my life out. Worked on my body, on myself and then I came out of there January this year.." I say, she looks at me "I'm not saying I haven't cut since then or purged my food but I haven't taken drugs. My little sister, Maddie she's been my inspiration and I hope to god. I pray, she doesn't go through that. Bullying was something I despised, I hated what they did to me.. Signing petitions on my locker saying 'I hate Demi Lovato' that's something I don't want anyone to experience, ever. I was alone when thousands of people were willing to help me, a room full of people I was still alone" I say looking down "You're so strong, Lauren. You really are" I say to her, she pushes my head up with two fingers "You're so strong! so so strong for overcoming all of that, you didn't deserve it, nope, you deserved so much better. I hope Carly never goes through it, or Maddie. You're a true inspiration Demi; you really are" she says, she leans forward to kiss me "You're so so strong" she whispers... She pulls away and rests her head on my shoulder, her eyes closed "I'm sorry" she says "I have no right to complain" she says "Don't do that.. I don't like it when people say that. It's okay to have a bad day, just because I had a pretty bad time in school doesn't mean everyone's perfect. It's okay to feel depressed sometimes, I promise everything will get better. Just don't dwell on my problems" I say, I sigh. She nods "I'm sorry" She says "No I'm sorry... I shouldn't of bit your head off like that I had no right... I've just had a lot of people dwell on my problems and stopped complaining about there bad days, I want to help you with your bad day(s) sometimes it's okay to feel alone and upset. It's okay to cry if you need told but I'm here for you whenever you need too, okay" I say, she nods and rests her head on my shoulder "When did it start?" She asks "Just after I filmed Barney" I say, she nods "They called me fat, ugly.. All the names to bring me down at that age, as soon as I hit 11 I crashed down... I cut for the first time and I'm not gonna lie it hurt, but it was a release.. I wanted that, I wanted the pain to go away even if it was for just a hour.. Then I hit 14-15, where drugs and alcohol came in, I knew people that could get me the stuff so I got it and well I don't think I'd be here now if I had carried on" I say "I'm glad you got help, and I'm glad you're okay now" she says "I'm far from okay, Lauren" I say, she looks at me "I mean I'm good, I'm great, but I'm far from okay in my recovery, everything is still a working progress. I'll be okay in the long run, it's just can I be strong enough to work up to that long run" I say "You can, I'll be here. I'll help you" she says "Thank you" I say "So like what did everyone think when you came out" she asks "That I was fine, I was fixed. So at the welcome home party they had, I didn't go. I stayed in my room, which worried everyone of course but in reality I wasn't, it's like they thought I was a car in a body shop, I go in, get repainted and repaired and I come out fine. But I still had scars, I still have them. I still had dints and scratches, I wasn't repaired I was still broken just a little more unbroken" I say, she sighs "Can I see them?" She asks, I nod and roll my sleeves up, I show her my scars on my wrists, then I move to my rib cage where I have my first tattoo 'You Make Me Beautiful' with a catcher.., I move my shorts up and show her my thighs, she leans down and kisses my thighs, then my rib cages, then finally my wrists "Please don't do that to yourself again, you're worth so much more than the blade, the fire, the drugs and the alcohol" she says "Promise me Demi" she says "I promise.."

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