Fourty Three

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Demi's POV
My eyes flutter open and I look over and Lauren has her face buried in my neck, and she had hold on me, I look over and it's 10:12am! I decide to message Marissa and Jason thanking them for yesterday, we have a group chat so...

Thank you both so much for setting that up & cooking!! she loved it as did I, thank you so much for everything❤️

I put my phone down, before turning the TV on but very low, Immediately my TV is already on the ID channel and it's another crime show, I love these shows so much, they're so interesting. After a hour into the show, I feel Lauren stir next to me, I continue to watch my show as she sits up, I look at her and she groans and falls back down I laugh as she turns over to face the door, I look back and watch my show, it goes to a commercial break so I go in the shower quickly and wash ect, I walk out and put some underwear on and a long shirt, before getting back into bed where Lauren still sleeps, I'll wake her up in about 10 minutes, I lay back down and watch my show. It's now 11:45 and Lauren needs to get up "Baby?" I say leaning over her "Lauren" I say, she doesn't move "Lauren" I repeat myself, I see her eyes flutter open "I know you're awake" I say, she turns over and she rubs her eyes and frowns "What's wrong?" I ask looking at her "I'm tired" she says "I would've let you sleep in but you wouldn't of slept tonight" I say "Who said I was sleeping" she winks, I roll my eyes "Go take a shower and we'll go somewhere" I say, she nods and gets out of bed, I go to my closet and get some clothes out, I slip them on and wait for Lauren, I remake my bed and pick the clothes that were thrown and put them in the wash. Before going back up and seeing Lauren finishing her make up "Baby you know you don't need that shit" I say, she smiles "I do, I have a pimple" she says "But you're still beautiful without it" I say "It makes me feel confident" she says, I nod "Okay, if it makes you feel better than okay" I say, she smiles "Where are we going?" She asks "I'm hungry so for breakfast" I say, she nods and we walk out and get into her car, I decide to drive, she rests her hand on mine and I entwine our fingers. I drive to a breakfast bar a few miles out of town, I get my album from the glove box in her car, I put it on and skip to Yes "I wrote this about you" I say, she looks at me "Listen to the lyrics" I say as I continue to drive, she sits and listens to it while I'm lip syncing the words. The song ends and I put stars on "I love this song, I can't wait to perform it live" I say, she grins. I start singing it and she laughs "Oh when the lights go off and it all goes down" I sing, she laughs "Ohh, and we really don't need the light cause we're stars tonight" I sing at her and she starts laughing "When is your first big concert?" she asks "Tuesday" I say "Where?" she asks "New York" I say "I'll come" she says "School?" I say "I care because I'm not gonna miss your first big performance am I?" She says! I smile "Thank you" We get to the bar and I sit down and she faces me "My song" I say, they played Yes and it makes me smile so much. "Here's my body that I'm giving to us, here's my arms that'll hold us up, here's my life dedicated to love, I tried to give you everything you deserve, and I can't promise that it's gonna be fine, here I am if your ready to try, here's my tears when you tell me those words, here's my life for better or worse for better or, yes, yes" I sing to her "God i love you" she says as she kisses my lips "Hi I'm Jess I'm your waiter oh my god you're Demi?" she says, I turn my head "Hey Jess, yeah I am, and you're Jess" I say she laughs "Can we get a picture" she asks, I nod. Lauren offers to take it, I smile and so does she "I love your album by the way" she says "Thank you" I reply "I can't wait to see you on Tuesday" She says "I hope to see you at the meet and greet" I say, she nods "Anyway sorry, what can I get you both?" She asks "Can I get the pancake deluxe and two sausages please" she nods "Drink?" She replies "Coffee please" she nods "and you miss?" She asks Lauren "The same please with a latte please" she nods "I'll be with your drinks shortly" I nod and turn to Lauren "I have to leave Monday so you can come with me or max will get you Tuesday" I say "I'll come with you" she says, I nod "Marissa is coming by the way, I dont know about Jason" I say, she nods. I sit back and she's down smiling, you can't see her face just her smile, perfect time for a picture, I take it and she looks up "Really babe?" She says, I laugh! "@ddlovato i love you for not only what you are, but for what I am when I'm with you" I post it and she looks at and smiles "@laurend_ i love you so much, Demi💗" I lean towards her "I love you so much" she says "I love you so much more than you'll ever understand" I say, I kiss her lips. "Your drinks" the waitress says "Thank you Jess" I smile. She walks off "She always interrupts when I wanna kiss you" Lauren says "Just sh and kiss me" I say, she leans forward and kisses my lips, I rest my hand on her cheek. I pull away...

Love has never been better...

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