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Demi's POV
I get to Lauren's classroom and walk right in "Hey" I say "Hey, how are you?" She asks "I'm good, you?" I ask "I'm good" she says "Let's goooo!" I say "Where are we going" she asks "You wanted to see Pitch Perfect 2 so that's where we are going so, let's go" I say and pull her from the desk "But, what about algebra" she asks "We have next break for that. Come on, I wanna take you out" I plead she sighs "Fine, only because I've been dying to watch that movie" she says "So you're gonna go home and change and we're gonna go" I say, she nods

Once we arrive at the movies, we arrived in my car. I pay for the tickets while she goes to get candy. I thank the women behind the desk before walking over to Lauren "Hey beautiful" I say, she smiles at me "Ready?" I ask, she nods and we walk in. We get ourself settle as the movie begins. Around half way through the movie, I feel Lauren rest her hand on my thing, I smile and rest mine over the top of hers, she looks at me and she entwines our hands. It's the part where fat Amy is singing to Bumper, I burst out laughing and so does the rest of the people in the movies.

When the movie is over, we walk out and Lauren tells me she's going to the bathroom, I wait for her to come out, once she does. We walk outside the theatre! "That was hilarious" Lauren says "I couldn't agree more" I say! We begin walking when someone shouts Lauren's name, then they slap her. I push the person away from her "What the fuck are you doing?" I ask "How about you ask your girlfriend that?" she asks "In fact I'll tell you, you see Lauren is a cheat and cheated on me for 3 months with another girl. Then probably met you and serenaded you, took your v-card to soon leave you and then you'll be alone! So the reason I slapped her and why I'm gonna do it again is because she's a cheat who breaks girls heart" she tries to slap Lauren again but I stop her "Don't fucking touch her, get away from her. Just go, like don't ever fucking lay a finger on her again" I say "Demi come on, you're making it worse" Lauren says "I really don't fucking care, don't ever touch her again, I swear to god if you do I will destroy you" then I feel someone drag me away. "Why do you make things worse?" She asks "Why did you break her heart?" I ask "That's complicated and private but why didn't you let her hit me?" She asks, I started driving "Because sometimes in love you protect the ones you care about and even if they don't care as much as you. You still should care for them" I say, we arrive at her house "I think it's best if we didn't speak anymore" I say "Don't do this Demi." She says "I'm sorry. Bye Lauren" she gets out and I drive away. I promised I wouldn't leave her but she basically told me not sticking up for her. I get home and my moms sat on the sofa "Hey mom" I say "Hey sweetheart, how was the movie?" she asks "It was good" I say "Good, Maddie was asking to see you" She says "Okay" I reply, I walk up the stairs and into Maddie's room "Hey Mad what's up?" I ask "I need to tell you something" she says "Okay, what is it?" I ask "I know about you and Miss Daiz" she says "What?!" I say "I know you've been hooking up with her.." she says "I haven't" I say "Don't lie to me" she says, I look down "You won't tell will you?" I ask "Of course not but answer me something" she says "Sure anything" I say "Does she make you happy?" she asks.. I replay back to the night I stayed at her house and she made me so happy after the meal and the breakfast the next day.. She made me incredibly happy "She DID make me happy yeah" I say "Did?" She replies "We had a fight after the movies" I say "Why?" She replies "I uh, I stuck up for her when a girl she previously dated slapped her and she said I was making it worse so I told her we couldn't speak anymore" I say "Woah.." She says "Yup but promise you won't tell anyone please Mad" I say "I promise Demi, I wouldn't do that to you" she says "Thank you" I say, She smiles. I hug her and go to my room, I close my eyes and I dont know why I'm crying but I am.. I call Stevie "Hey" she says "Hey" I reply "What's up?" She asks "I broke up with my girlfriend" I say "Oh my god, do you want me to come over?" She asks "Yes please" I sniffle, around 20 minutes later I hear a light knock on my door "Come in" I say, I see Stevie walk in and she comes over to me, I lift my head up "Demz" she says "Are you okay?" She asks, I shake my head as more tears fall down my face. She puts my head on her lap and softly strokes my hair "I think I ruined my whole chance" I say "What happened?" she asks "We went to the movies and her ex girlfriend came up to her and slapped her and was telling me about her cheating on her for three months anyway I stuck up for her and she said I made it worse by sticking up for her, so I told her its best if we didn't talk after yesterday promising not to leave" I say, I wipe my eyes and she kisses my forehead "You're so fucking much better than her" she says "I miss her though" I say "I know but you're gonna be okay I promise" I look at her, she smiles down "You're so beautiful" she says, I blush. I lean up to her and she meets me half way... Her lips are nothing like Lauren's they're soft and addictive and make me want her more every time.. But Stevie was different, I was attracted to her by her looks not by what's inside.. I got to know Lauren.. I pull away when breathing becomes an issue! She smiles and bites her lip "I'm so tired" I whisper "You can sleep I'll see you in school tomorrow" She says "Please wait till I'm asleep" I ask, she nods and I close my eyes, I feel myself then drop to sleep...

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