Twenty Six

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Lauren's POV
I swear this girl is going to be the death of me. She posts a picture of her in a bikini, her slightly toned abs showing and she's got her hand through her hair. How do I even cope. She's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen.. Just the way she acts and when she's around me, she's goofy and she's cute as hell. I miss her so much. It's been what 5 days? I'm missing her more than a normal girlfriend should miss there partner. I just want to be near her all the time.. Like when I look at her in class, she looks so perfect like I can't find a fault wrong with her and although she thought wrong about herself in the past and she still does hurts me because she's so beautiful and she is someone I can see myself with in 20 years. Which is weird because I've never thought like this. I used to date the girl that slapped me.. Although I did cheat on her for three months of the relationship.. I sigh as I sit on the sofa, I have two more days till I see her, just two.. I end up falling asleep and not waking up till Friday morning for school, I send a message to Demi.

-Good morning beautiful. I know you're sleeping right now. I hope you have a great day and I can't wait to see you tomorrow! I love you x


Good morning. I'm awake. Have a good day in classes. I can't wait to see you either! I love you too!x

-Baby, why are you awake, It's 4am! You need to sleep


I can't sleep, I miss you too much. I miss your cuddles baby 😫

-I know but tomorrow you can cuddle me as much as you want too, do you want me to FaceTime you till you sleep?

I know, I'm sorry.. I just miss you & yes please.

I call her for an hour before I see her eyes finally drop closed "i love you" I mumble before ending the call and finishing my hair. I go into school and see Marissa with Ally "Hey!" she says "Demi asked me to tell you that she's arriving home at 3pm and will be at yours from like 5:30" she says "Okay, thank you Marissa" I say "No problem. Bye Miss" I wave goodbye before getting on with my lessons for the day.

Once I arrive home, I drop into the sofa, and wait for Demi. She messages me telling me she got my gift today, after telling her I didn't want anything, I laugh and her enthusiasm is so cute. I again drop to sleep on the sofa.

I miss my girlfriend.

-the next day-
Today is the day, she's coming home. But it's 11:30 and I just woke up, I sigh and text my mom a good morning and how are you and also my friend. He's amazing. I sit down and drink some coffee, I grab some fruit and eat it with some oats mixed with berries, I go to my bathroom and change into some jeans and a band tee, I head into the mall and buy a few things I could use, like candles and bath bombs, I buy some clothes and shoes too. It's 5:15 when I arrive back, wow I was gone a long time. I wait for Demi to come to my house.

I hear a faint knock on my door, until the person walks in, I stand up and I see her looking rather tanned, she runs up to me and hugs me. I wrap my arms around her waist and pull her tight "I missed you so much" she mumbles. I pull away and kiss her lips, no lust, no sexual content. Just love. She pulls away and rests her forehead on mine "I missed you so much baby" I say, she kisses me again "Come on" she drags me to my room "After I've given you your gift can we cuddle?" She asks "Of course" I say. I pull the bag open and open the box "It's not a promise ring or engagement, I knew the matching ring to your bracelet was in Dallas, so I bought it for you and it's so beautiful, just like you" I say "I love you" I say "I love you more" she replies, she lays with her hand rested on my boob "I missed cuddling you and being with you and being near you. I just hardly slept the whole vacation" she says "Now you can sleep baby" I say "But I saw my bullies and they didn't even notice it was me. Which means I've changed and look better" she says "You're beautiful, don't ever try to change for please them. They're not worth your time" I say to her. She nods and kisses my chest, we lay here in complete silence "So what happened then? During your stay in Dallas?" I ask "Uh, well the first couple of days I was in the hospital, but I'm good now, then the day I got released, we went to the beach and took lots of photos, that I didn't post on Instagram. Me and Maddie swam quite far out and then she got scared so we swam back, I drove a speedboat and made Dallas fall out of it" she stops to laugh "How did you manage that?" I say chuckling "I was just driving and I decided to take a sharp turn and because there fast she went flying out of the boat, which was hilarious" She says laughing, I burst out laughing "But we also spent time with family and went to Six Flags. Then on Friday I went shopping" she says "That sounds so fun. I'm glad you had fun." I say "I did but I missed you way to much" She says. She rests her hand on my cheek, and faces me, she leans in and kisses me. God I've missed her lips so much, I place my hand on the back of her neck running my hands through her now short hair, I move myself from her lips, to her jaw, down to her neck, she throws her head back so I have more access and I suck on her collarbone leaving a mark and just one on her neck, I leave them to mark what's mine, I don't want any other guy touching her or girl. I look up at her and she's literally in so much pleasure, I push myself up and kiss her lips, she slides her tongue in my mouth, and I smile into the kiss, she bites my lip "I want you" she whispers "Then let me take you" I say, she nods, I pull her shirt over her head before kissing her chest, then her breasts, pulling her right one into my mouth and sucking on it. I pull away with her nipple in my mouth before letting it bounce back and moving to the left one and repeating my actions. I hear her moaning softly which turns me on. I start to kiss down her stomach and to her shorts, I unbutton them and slide them from her legs. I kiss her vagina from through her panties, I can still her her soft moans, I kiss up her thighs before sliding her panties down, I throw them across my room and position myself between her legs, I lick her folds not wasting anymore time before I begin to stick my tongue inside of her making her back arch and her hand to find my hair, I continue doing so as she grips my hair "Lauren" she moans. I continue doing so as her walls tighten around my tongue "Baby I'm gonna cum" she moans, her legs buck and she releases herself into my mouth "Fuck that was so hot" I say to her as I crawl up her "You better be ready for something you're never gonna forget, I'm making up for lost time" she says, I smirk at her and she pins me to the bed...

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