Twenty Seven

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Demis POV
I drop down next to her, our breathing uneven, I look over at her and her eyes are closed and she's breathing heavily, I smile before leaning over and kissing her cheek "That was so fucking hot" she breathes out "I couldn't agree more" I stroke her back because she's laying on her stomach, and she's facing me. I smile at her "I think I'm paralysed" she says, I laugh "I don't think you are" I laugh "You are fucking like magic" she says as I continue stroking her back "What can I say?" I smirk, she bites her lip and smiles "You're just so fucking perfect" I say "Hm, I love you" she says as she adjusts her hair "I love you too, you can go to sleep, I'm gonna be here when you wake" I say, she slowly closes her eyes as I continuously stroke her back. As soon as they are closed and I hear soft snores, I kiss her forehead before watching and looking how peaceful she is. Someone like her fell in love with someone like me that's hard to believe.. Because I'm just me and she's so beautiful and amazing. I mean look at her, she has piercing green eyes that are so easy to fall in love with and a heart that although she had walls built up is still huge.. I need to see Marissa tomorrow, I missed her a lot too! But tonight I just wanna stay with my girlfriend. My eyes slowly drop closed at the thought of everything..

-a few weeks on-
I'm now back at school and it's boring as hell. I sit in class when Ally gives me something "Apparently this was when you were away" she says, I open it and it's a picture of Lauren kissing.. What the fuck, I knew something was wrong. I fucking knew it. Ally shows me more "It's Stevie isn't it" I ask, she nods "I'm going to fucking kill her" I stand up from my desk, my table knocking over "Demi" Lauren says "Do not ever breathe my fucking name" I say, she comes outside of the classroom. Ally now knows about me and Lauren.. By the way. "Woah! What's happening?" She asks "Oh, you don't remember?" I say, she looks at me confused "Maybe this will help you remember" I say throwing the pictures of her and Stevie at her, she picks them up "How dare you even fucking say you're in love with me" I say before walking off. Ally follows "I'm going home" I say she nods "Call me. I love you" she shouts "I love you too" I reply as I walk to Marissa's class. I walk in "Here, this is to get home, I need to go home now" I say I see Stevie and give her the worst look ever "Why?" She asks "I'll come by later" she says "Sorry for interrupting your class Miss Burl" I say, she smiles as Marissa puts my keys in her pocket. I walk back to Lauren's class and grab my bag and work, she watches me and I just leave my eyes watering "Woah Demi" Jason says "Hm?" He follows me out "What's wrong?" He asks "Jason my girlfriend cheated on me with Stevie" I say, his eyes widen "Were they high?" He says, I laugh and shake my head "Apparently not" I say "Jason, If I tell you something you swear you won't say anything to anyone" I say "I swear on my dads ashes" he says "Miss Daiz is was my girlfriend who cheated with Stevie" I say, his eyes burn with fury, he walks in "Can we speak outside?" He asks her, she nods "Continue the work" she says before walking now out "What right do you have to fucking hook up with whore face over there" he says, she looks at me and I'm crying "I didn't have any right" She says "Then why? Why couldn't you stay faithful" I ask. "I'm sorry" she says "I'm done. We're done. Forget everything we had. You want her cool, go have her. Just remember what I can give you" I say. I walk away and Jason follows. He drives me home before returning to school "I hate her. I hate her so much" I say as I walk into the living room "Demi?" My mom asks "What?" I reply "Excuse me, why are you home?" She asks "Mom I hate her! I fell in fucking love with her for her to cheat on me mom. I'm such a coward. I hate her so much I fucking hate her" I say, my mom looks at me with wide eyes "Oh sweetheart" she says and pulls me into a hug " Baby girl it's going to be okay" She says "She hooked up with Stevie of all people. Knowing what she did" I say in between sobs, she just strokes my hair as I hiccup through tears. I calm myself down! "I told Marissa I'd pick her up" I say, she nods and I walk to school again, I see Marissa and I run up to her, she can see in my eyes what's wrong "She cheated didn't she" I nod as I break into tears "Not tofuckingday" she says as she rushes into the school again, she reaches her class and Stevie's in there! Marissa walks right up to Stevie and punches her straight in the face "Are you fucking happy?" She says, she gets her hit on Marissa so I jump into help Marissa "Both of you" She pushes us off of her, she looks at me "Get your hands off of me" I say "Demz" she says softly "No. You don't get to call me that anymore" I say. "You're a fucking bitch, didn't I teach you to stay the fuck away from what's mine?" I say to Stevie, she's sobbing "What're you going to do. Ally doesn't want you, I don't want you, Jason doesn't want you. What about you Miss Daiz?" I ask, she looks at me "I just want you" Lauren mumbles "Blew your chance love. But aw Stevie nobody actually needs you in this school. So make it easier for yourself and leave" I say, she looks up at Lauren and Lauren just nods for her to go. She stands up and leaves.. I turn to face her and Marissa does "You." She says "Woah woah woah" I jump in front of her "I wanted to jump Stevie not her" I say "She fucking broke your heart" Marissa says "And I'm sorry. Demi,'it just happened,'I pushed her away. The second she did it, just please hear me out at my house.."

Should she?
Or should she not?

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