Sixty - Six

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Lauren's POV
I walk in to her house and I see her stood there smug "Look what the dog dragged in" She says, I waste no time in going straight up to her and slap her "Don't fuck with what's mine" I say, I see her phone, I take it "Don't worry I'll delete the pictures and every copy of them. She's my girl. You won't force her to do anything because I swear if you do.." I say "What're you gonna do" she says "Let's say you don't want to mess with a Spanish on her bad day, it won't end well I promise you" I say, her eyes widen "I fucking promise you" I get close to her and as I say it.. I walk out and see her "What happened" she asks "Let's just say they won't be getting leaked anytime soon" I say "I'm so sorry.." she says "That doesn't make up for Halsey" I say "You can hit me do whatever I don't care" she says.. I sigh and get into my car! She stands there crying and it breaks my heart but I need to see Halsey.. I keep Cammie's phone with me until I get home... I go to Halsey's household.. "You slept with Demi" I say.. She looks at me "Did you or did you not sleep with Demi?" I ask "I did" she replies "Why? Why when you knew she had a girlfriend" I ask "Cammie got her drunk and I basically i dont know took advantage of her" she says "How could you, how could you let that happen. You were supposed to protect her, be her friend" I say "I know.. I'm sorry. I didn't want to do that, I didn't mean too I'm so sorry" she says "That doesn't fix it, you fucking took advantage of her.. At her weak point" I say "I know Lauren and if she realised how sorry I was and if you did I'd let you know but you don't" she says "Just.. Just stay the fuck away from what's mine okay"  I know that's mean but I can't let her slip from me. I drive home and see Demis car, I walk in and she's no where to be seen "Demi" I shout... Nothing "Demi, where are you" I ask "I'll be out in a minute" she says, I go to the kitchen and grab a bottle of water, I sit at the island and wait... She comes out in long sleeves "Hey.." she says "Hey" I reply "What took you so long" I say "I was showering" she says.. I look at her hair "Your hairs dry" I say, she coughs "I wore the shower cap" she says "I know your lying" I say, she sighs .. "Come here" I say, her eyes I've never seen them so red "Show me your arms Demi" I say, she flinches at my voice "I'm sorry... I'm just trying to help" I say "Can I please see your arms" I reply.. She nods and I roll her sleeves up.. A canvas of cuts up and down her arm(s).. I look at her "Why?" I ask.. She stays quiet "Please don't do this to yourself Demi" I say.. I see a tear drop fall on to her shirt "Promise me Demz" I say "I can't" she chokes "You can. Look at your tattoos look how strong you are, you made it through the toughest time of you life, you can make it through a relapse I promise you" I say.. She nods, I look back down at her arms, I kiss each individual cut that I knew represented something.. That I knew was a piece of her going slowly... I reach her neck "I'm sorry Lauren.. I really am, I didn't mean for any of this to happen" she stutters "Baby.. It's okay, they won't bother you anymore I promise" I say "What if they leak the pictures?" She asks, I pull Cammie's phone from my pocket "Oh don't worry they won't" I delete every copy before smashing her phone into tiny pieces "I'll be back in a second" I say, I peck her lips.. I will fix her.

I post her broken phone in and envelope through her letterbox "Payback huh" I smirk before driving back to Demi.. I'm scared to leave her alone you know,  I say to myself, I get home and find her cuddled on the sofa in her onesie.. See if everything was so peaceful we'd be all good but our relationship is most definitely started as a merry go round, then we got off when things got smooth but now we're on the rollercoaster and sadly that's what we call life.. Ups and downs, but there's always good that comes out of it and that's our love.. Our love is different. I smile and pick her up "Come on baby, let's go to bed" I say.. She cuddles her head into my neck, I lay her down and change into a long shirt, I go and brush my teeth before switching the lights off, I go and lock up before sliding in next to her, I move close to her and she moves her head and buries it in my neck, she rests her hand on my chest "I'm sorry Lauren.. I really am" she whispers "You're all good baby, it's just a bump on the ride, it'll blow over" I say.. She kisses my neck in response "I love you so much" she says "I love you too beautiful girl" I say... I lay with the love of my life laying on me thinking about the future and what things will be like, will we get married? Will we have kids, oh how much I want to spend my future with her. But we need to get past these bumps.. Before we hit the road again.. But we'll make it, what doesn't kill us is only gonna make us 100x stronger I can reassure you on that..

You are my future.

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