Twenty Three

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Demis POV
I ignored most of my calls last night because we were busy 'planning' I was sat there annoyed! "I'm going to Lauren's after school" I say before kissing Maddies cheek "Okay. Bye Demi" my mom said "Bye" I say, walking out. I see Marissa and we decide to walk to school today "Hey bff" she says "Hey biff" I reply, I walk into school with her and we're talking about random things. I walk into Miss's class because we got here early "Hey.." I say "Baby! I've been worried about you" She comes over to me "I'm sorry.." I say "Baby don't ever do that, I was calling you for so long" she says "I'm sorry, I was just really busy planning our trip" I say, she looks at me "Okay by plan I mean I sat there and ignored my family and watched crime shows" I say, she laughs! "Are you coming over tonight?" She asks, I nod "Okay" She says "I have to go to my class" I say "Okay, bye" She winks,'I smirk and walk out to Marissa "See you next period" I say, she nods and we hug.

During my class I'm sat at the back, Stevie keeps glancing and talking to the girl next to her "Apparently her girlfriend is a slut" I hear her say "Are you talking about my girlfriend?" I ask "And if I was?" She says "Don't fucking push me Stevie, we know what happened last time" I say and face the front, she turns around and continues bitching about her "Okay, say it to my face" I stand and walk to her, she stands up "Your girlfriend is a dirty little whore" she says, I punch her clean in the jaw "Stand up" I say, she doesn't "I fucking said stand up" she stands up and the teacher comes to get me away from her "Get the fuck off of me" I say "Demetria" he says "Get the fuck off of me" I say, I get out of his grip and launch for her making grab my hair, I grab hold of hers and were punching and I kick her and she falls making me fall with her, I keep throwing punches and kicks.

Lauren's POV
I'm teaching Marissa's class until I hear shoutings "Get the fuck off of me" I look at Marissa and she sighs, until Curtis and James come running through "Miss you need to help Demi and Stevie are fighting and Demi won't come off of her" they say, I pull my keys from my neck "Marissa come with me" I say, she jumps up and I run down the hall, I see three teachers try pulling her off "Get the fuck off of my hair" she's saying, the more Stevie says the tighter Demis holding her hair. Demi, I push myself through and get between them "Enough" I say, I push Stevie from her "Stevie, let go off her hair" I say, she releases her fingers and Demi grabs hers harder and kicks her in the stomach, I push her off and Jason grabs her and pushes her against the wall, Marissa grabs her and pulls her from the classroom while I sort Stevie out. "Enough! Calm down" I say "Sir can you take her to the office to get cleaned up please?" He nods and I walk out "You can leave for lunch" I say to the rest of the students. I walk to the toilets where I see Demi's arms wrapped around Jason's body and she's crying into his shoulder. I see Marissa and she smiles "Jason, come on Miss Daiz needs to clean her lip and forehead up" he pulls away "Are you gonna be okay?" He asks, she nods and they walk away, I look at her and she looks down "You shouldn't see me like this I look weak" She says, I smile and pull her close to me, I pull her into a cubicle where there's a sink, I grab the first aid box. "Lift your head up" I whisper, she looks up at me but won't meet her eyes with mine, I wipe her lip "Ouch" she says "Sorry" I say, I continue to wipe her lip, I wipe the blood away and peck her lips, she blushes and I smile. I clean her head up and put butterfly stitches on it "I'm done" I say "What happened?" I ask "Uh, I was sat at the back of the class and Stevie was making comments about you and I confronted her but she continued so I asked her to say it to my face and she did so I hit her" she says "Let's just say she's in a worse state than you are" I say. She sorts her hair out and asks if it looks okay "You realise you won't be allowed back in till you come back from Dallas" I say "Never mind" I reply, I laugh. I look at her and she looks at me "You're so so beautiful, you realise that?" I say, she smiles "I'm being serious. Even with a couple cuts and bruises on your face, I still can see the beauty in you and I always will" I say "I love you so so much" She says "I love you so so much more" I say "Now are you ready to face the music?" I ask, she nods "Can I go to your house?" she asks "You don't have to ask ever" I say "I feel rude if I don't" she says, I giggle "Here, I'll bring Chinese food home on my way back" I say "Okay, I'll see you later" she says, I kiss her cheek to avoid hurting her lip. She walks out of the changing room and I glance down at her ass, I smile and walk out.

Demis POV
I get to the office "Sir, before you shout at me for this, I want to apologise for the way I treated you two weeks ago, it was wrong of me and in a way you were protecting me, so thank you very very much and I apologise" I say "Wow, Demi. Thank you, now I'm not letting you off the hook, no no, you're excluded for 4 days, but your trip to Dallas will count as two as well. You have to leave now and Stevie will be out of your way, I assure you" He says, I smile "Thank you sir" I say "You're good to go" He says "Thanks" I leave his office and see Stevie in the hallway, I look at her. She is worse than me damn. I continue walking and walk home, I walk in. Dallas is sat on the couch, she looks at me "Hey little sis, why are you home early?" She asks "I got into a fight with Stevie and I'm excluded for 4 days" I say "Damn, Demz. Have you been taking your pills?" She asks, I shake my head "Please take them again.." She says, I nod "I agree I don't wanna get angry at Lauren, and end up being violent" I say, she nods "I'm going to take my pill before going to Lauren's okay?" I say, she nods and watches me go upstairs,'I take my anger and bipolar pills before grabbing my phone charger and the little gift I got for Lauren. I walk to my car and get in before speeding to her road. I leave the gift on the dining room table with 'For my love💜' on it. I think she'll really like it, I walk upstairs and lay in her bed, I watch a movie before slowly closing my eyes and catching up on lost sleep...

I am officially dreading Dallas.

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