Thirty Eight

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Demis POV
It's Lauren's birthday today. She's officially 21, why am I excited for that? Because my baby is 21. I run into the bedroom "Baby" I shout "Demz" she says "Baby wake up its your birthday" I say, she opens her eyes and looks at me "I'll meet you in the kitchen" I say, she nods and gets up to pee.. Once she's done she sits down, she smiles "Here you go read the note first" I say "Okay" she says "Out loud" I say

Dear Lauren,
We've been together almost a year, and yet you're still the most important person in my life. I connect with you in so many ways and i love you so much. I had so many reasons to not talk with you after our fights but I didn't, and with my music thing I want to make a promise to you as my girlfriend, nah I'm or proposing.. But I promise you that no matter what happens I'll love you forever and no matter if I get big or stay small, I promise you that you'll always come first, if you want to come out to the world we'll do it, if you want to stay little and never come out, we never will but I promise you, no paparazzi or anybody will split us up. I love you baby...

She looks at me and I push the ring in front of her "I promise to love you for eternity" I say, she looks down at the ring then back at me "You got me a promise ring?" She stutters "Yup" I say, her tears fall down her face, I smile. I grab the ring and she come round and sits on my lap, I slide the ring onto her finger "I love you" she says "So so much" she says "I love you more" I say. I ask her if she still wants to do what she said at Disneyland and she nods.. Although later on I have something planned. I grab the snacks and she changes quickly to something comfortable, she joins me on the sofa "I don't wanna leave on Sunday" she says "Me either but it's been amazing to get away" I say "I agree.. Did it help with everything?" She asks "Just being with you helps me forget about everything around me, this was just a bonus" I say, she leans up and kisses me. She lays her head on my chest and throughout the movie she's looking at her ring "Look at the engraving" I say, she looks at me confused, I take the ring off her finger and it reads 'One Love' she butts out laughing "That's our joke baby you remembered" I say, she nods "Oh my god" She says "Are you sure you wanna stay inside all day?" I ask, she nods "I just wanna spend the day inside cuddling with you on my birthday with the person I love the most" she says "You're so cute" I say.. "I have two songs one is one I wrote when you and Stevie were like yeah and the other is just about my dad, which one?" She asks "The one about me" she asks, I nod and get the guitar that was here...

Stone cold, stone cold
You see me standing, but I'm dying on the floor
Stone cold, stone cold
Maybe if I don't cry, I won't feel anymore

Stone cold, baby
God knows I tried to feel
Happy for you
Know that I am, even if I
Can't understand, I'll take the pain
Give me the truth, me and my heart
We'll make it through
If happy is her, I'm happy for you


Stone cold, stone cold
You're dancing with her, while I'm staring at my phone
Stone cold, stone cold
I was your amber, but now she's your shade of gold

Stone cold, baby
God knows I tried to feel
Happy for you
Know that I am, even if I
Can't understand, I'll take the pain
Give me the truth, me and my heart
We'll make it through
If happy is her, I'm happy for you

Don't wanna be stone cold, stone
I wish I could mean this but here's my goodbye
Oh, I'm happy for you
Know that I am, even if I
Can't understand
If happy is her, I'm happy for you

I look up and she's crying "My happy is you..." She says "My happy will always be you, i love you more than words can explain, she will never be my happy never ever, nobody makes me happy like you do.. You and your heart will make it through with me in it.. You have my heart in so many places and if you left i dont know if I'd make it through..." She says. I hug her "I'm not leaving baby girl" I say "Never ever?" She says "Never ever beautiful" I reply. She kisses my head! I lay on her stomach just watching her and she's laughing at the movie.. Every inch of her is perfect... You know how connected I feel to her, like my heart is dragging my in. If I resist it'll break and shatter I've never felt this never ever.. She's my world and when I look at her everything stops and I just watch her.. When we used to be in class everyone else was blurred out and she was just there... The way she looks at me just shows how in love she is with me "baby?" She says pulling me out of my thoughts "yeah?" I say "What's going on inside your brain?" She asks "Just thinking" I say "About?" she replies "You and how beautiful you are" I say, she blushes "I hate how you have this effect on me" she says "Aw... I love you" I say "I love you more" she says, I shake my head "You're my queen and i love you more than a king ever loved his queen because you're my beautiful girl" I say.. She just giggles "You're so cheesy baby girl" she says...

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