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Demi's POV
I drive to Demi's house today because I have to go to my little sisters play after our study meet. To be honest it's different how she's changed her mind, first she was certain we couldn't do anything, next I'm pinned to a cabinet and she's half naked. I guess she's saw sense, however we have to be extremely careful, from my parents and from the school.

-Laurens house-
We walk in and she sets her stuff down "Water?" She asks, I nod, yes. She walks into the kitchen and grabs two bottles of water, she comes back in and hands me one, she then chugs half of it down and sets it on the coffee table. "So how were classes?" She asks "They were okay apart from first period" I say replaying when Jason put his eyes on my girl, hm my girl that'd be cute "Demz" she says pulling me out of my thoughts "Sorry, I was just thinking about something" I say, she nods, she pushes a strand of hair out of my face, she leans herself forwards and I watch as she places her hand on my hip and then her lips on mine, I smile and kiss her back.

After an intense make out session, she lifts my legs up and I wrap them around her, she carries me to the dining room table "If we're gonna do it at least make it exciting, hey?" She says, I smirk and pull her into me, I push her blazer off her shoulders and then slowly unbutton her blouse, once its unbuttoned I'm met with a red lace bra, that's hot, she takes my jacket and shirt off, moving to my neck and kissing it slowly, I smile and throw my head back giving her more access. "Hm Lauren" I moan she moves her hands to the button of my shorts, she unbuttons them and unzips them, I then instantly feel her hand rubbing me slowly, it feels so good. I moan slightly, once I'm well wet enough I guess, she slides one finger inside of my making me moan and my body tense "Shh it's okay" she says as she kisses my lips while slowly but rapidly pumping her finger inside of me, she then adds another one giving me more pleasure, as I feel my self wanting to cum, she curls her fingers inside of me which makes me claw her shoulders and the back of her neck "Hm, fuck Lauren" I moan, my legs begin to buck and I finally release, she slows down and kisses my lips "Are you sure I'm your first?" She asks moving her fingers from me "Yes, 100%" I say panting "That was so hot" she says, she smirks "What?" I ask "Your neck" she smiles. I grab my phone and look at my neck I have two hickeys either side of my neck and on my collar bones "Thanks" I say, she smiles "My pleasure" she replies kissing me, we spend the rest of the study session making out, whoops. Until I have to go and watch my sisters play "I have to go and watch my sisters pantomime" I say, she sighs. "Okay but can you like sleep over this weekend, I really wanna spend time with you alone" she winks "Yeah I'll say I'm staying at Marissa's" I say as she comes closer and kisses my lips "Bye Demi" she says "Bye L" she replies

Major filler chapter!!

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