Seventy Three

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Demis POV
The next day, again I wake up my arms protectively around Lauren.. Hoping she's going to be okay. I lean over and grab my phone, my Twitter blowing up. I go onto the app and there's another picture leaked of me and Lauren.. Ugh fuck "For fuck sake" I say as I get up, I look at it and it's a picture where she has her hand on my boob and we're obviously naked and we're like leaning in for a kiss, however I have a hickey on my collarbone and three nail marks on my chest.. I sigh 

@ddlovato trying to make sure my girlfriend is okay, yet I'm seeing leaked pictures of us?  But is it really necessary putting them on the Internet for the world to see😒

I tweet it and I see Lauren walk through, she comes up to me "Hey baby" I say "Why are you stressed" she asks, she wraps her arms around me and I rest my hands on her shoulders "Because another picture of us has been leaked" I say, she sighs "Which one" I ask, I show her the picture "Maybe turn your iCloud off then no pictures will save there and they won't be able to get into it" she suggests "Can you do that for me while I make breakfast?" I ask, she nods and I go and make pancakes, waffles and egg whites. We sit down and we eat the breakfast and then Max texts me "Interview at 12:30, I'll be there at 11:45" It reads. It's 10:50 now. I go to our bedroom and change "I have an interview" I say "Can I come?" She asks. I nod and we both get ready "You look beautiful babe" I say, she smiles and kisses my lips. I hear a knock on my door and it's Max. We grab our phones and stuff before walking out to his car "it's with Ellen!" He says, I nod and entwine hands with Lauren. "Are you okay?" I ask, she nods and we arrive at the studios. I get out of the car and we walk over to fans.. I keep my hand to Lauren's "Hey, how are you?" I say "Hi Demi" The fan says "Wait can I talk to Lauren, a second?" She says, I nod and Lauren goes to the fan, I listen in while speaking with another fan "I saw what Demi posted and I love you a lot as a lovatic and you make Demi really happy. So thank you for making her happy and please don't listen to what they say it's not right what they say but Demi loves you and so do we" she says, I smile and think of how happy that made her.. "I dont know what to say.. Honestly, you make me want to continue making her happy, day in.. Day out! Thank you, so much. More people need to be like you" She says in her Spanish accent. I smile and Max tells us we have to go. I wave goodbye and wrap my arm around Lauren again and I hear screams. We get inside and I change into my outfit for that interview. I hear her welcome me and I walk onto the stage and sit down "Hi, Demi! how are you?" She asks "Hi, yeah I'm good, you?" I reply "I'm great thank you. It's good to see you, now we see you've been a little blown up on Twitter over the last few days, right?" She asks "Don't even get me started" I laugh, she chuckles... "The leaked picture.. Well then. I must say I was shocked, with the first one but whoever leaked the other one was way out of hand.. Like you deserve at least some privacy" she says "Yeah, I couldn't agree more, and plus the whole thing with Lauren, that recently happened.. I don't want my pictures leaked. It's ridiculous honestly" I say "I agree. So how are you gonna prevent them?" She asks "I turned well I say I, Lauren did it. She turned my iCloud off so things won't save there and yeah just let things happen" I say"Good plan. Now is it okay for us to talk about the tweet you posted about Lauren" She asks, I look towards Lauren and she nods slightly "Uh, sure?" I say "So she tried to commit.. Right?" She asks, I nod looking away "How did you find out?" she replies "She left our apartment and I drove around and I found her on one of the high bridges.. And she was about to step off and it's lucky I dragged her back.. Honestly" I say tears brewing thinking of what could've happened "I hope Lauren's okay now and she's recovering and whoever hates on her honestly you have no right, she's beautiful and if I was her age and Demi wasn't in the scene I would've taken my chance" she chuckles, I laugh "So now, can you talk to us about your tour?" She asks "Sure of course" I say "So it's officially starting March 9th right?" She asks, I nod "And Lauren's coming with you the first three months and the first leg right?" She replies "Yes!" I say enthusiastically "Which state are you most excited for or country?" She asks "I'm excited to go back to England, London was beautiful, I'm excited to go everywhere as long as my girlfriends with me" I say, I hear a bunch of 'awe's' in the audience "Well that was cute. We're going to play a little game with you, okay?" She says, I nod "We're going to give you a word and you've got to think of the first thing that comes to your head" she says, I nod again "Kiss" she replies "Lauren" I say, I hear a laugh "Food" she says "Caesar salad" I reply laughing "Sex" she says "Lauren" I say, I burst out laughing "Well then. Demi will be performing at staples centre December 20th. Grab tickets, there's only so many left" she says!

I wave and walk of the stage and to Lauren. I kiss her lips and she hugs me "Ready?" She asks, I nod and I wrap my arm around her waist and we walk out, I wave at some fans and get in the car, I lay my head on her shoulder "You know when we get home" I say, she nods "Let me make you feel beautiful" I say, she smiles "Only if I get to make you feel just as beautiful" she whispers "Deal" I reply.. I kiss her cheek and Max drives us home. I open the door and she's pushing me in.. I laugh and turn around as I close the door, she kisses my lips and I walk us backwards, we walk into our bedroom.. pulling individual clothing off at the same time... I bring my lips to her neck and kiss her sweet spot making her moan. She pulls me closer as I kiss up her throat... I kiss her jawline before unclasping her bra and pulling it off, I kiss down her cleavage and to her left boob.. I suck and swirl my tongue around her nipple, causing her to moan my name. I turn to the right one while she grips my hair. Once I've finished, I work my way down and slowly unbutton her pants... I slide them from her legs, I slowly slide her panties down and throw them else where, she spreads her legs for me and I smirk before pleasuring her in love. Making her sweat and moan my name. Making her feel beautiful.. Once we've finished she drops her head into my neck slowly kissing over the hickey she made on my neck, I smile and roll my hands through her hair. I leave little kisses on her head. I then hear soft snores and slowly close my eyes, to the sound of her soft snores on my neck...

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