Fourty Eight

699 30 1

Demi's POV
The next day , I am still here I haven't left yet, her leg is improving slowly. "Almost a week, I want to go home" she says "I know baby, but you've got to be able to walk alone before you can leave, okay?" She nods. I pick her up and put her in her wheelchair and we go down to physiotherapy. We follow the same routine we have been for the last 5-6 days, until she drops "Lauren" I say, she doesn't respond "Lauren!" I reply, I shake her a little, I run to the door "Help can I get some help!" I say, I run back in and put my jacket under her head, I see a stretcher and then she's lifted onto it "Her BPs dropping! Straight to theatre" they say "Fuck!" I say to myself "Is she going to be okay?" I ask "It's unsaid right now" She replies. I sigh "Fuck. Fuck! Fuck!" I say to myself I slide down the wall "What if she doesn't make it through man" I say to myself "She will" someone says I look up nobody around "You can't see me Demi" the unknown speaks "why?" I ask "because I'm not down there" they say... I look up "dad..." I say "hey sweetheart.. I've been watching you for a while now... You've really kicked off from those albums before that didn't set you off, haven't you" he says, I feel tears coming down my eyes "don't cry beautiful... Things will improve" he says, I smile "what happened dad?" I ask "things were complicated baby girl. I wasn't healthy to be around, I wanted to be around you, I did but I couldn't.. I wasn't able to be, I wish I could see you grow from down there.. But I'm here, I watched your first live show!! You did great, I love yes!" He says "I miss you dad..." I say "I miss you too sweetheart, I'll protect you from up here, while you protect your girlfriend... I'm rejecting her from being up here, you need her and she needs you... She'll make it sweetheart" he says, I smile "i love you dad" I say "i love you so much my beautiful girl, I'm so so sorry for everything I caused you" he says "Why? Why were you so abusive..." I ask "I was drunk sweetheart... I didn't know, but you need to know I regret it and I love you, Dallas and your mother dearly" he says, my tears fall faster.. Am I dreaming "you're not dreaming petal, but I must go... They're calling me back...'i love you" he says "Don't go daddy... please don't go" I cry "I'll be watching you from above sweetheart, I promise! Stay strong for me, and never touch that blade again, i love you Demetria" I then feel a kiss on my forehead "i love you dad" I whisper... I hear a door open "Miss, we're done, you can see her" She says, I nod. I I jump up and wipe my eyes! I walk out of the room, before looking back one more time "i love you Demetria" I hear a faint before I smile and close the door... That was amazing.. God is real, I spoke to my father.. He's a good man... He really is, I sigh. I get to the unit she's on "It's not ICU, Or a coma" she says "She's just had a big surgery" she replies "What happened" I ask "Some internal bleeding to her, which was in her abdominal area, we stopped it and she should recover quickly" she says, I nod and thank her. I walk into her room and she's sleeping still from the anaesthetic... I sit down and grab her hand it's the one with the promise ring on "@ddlovato wishing I could take you home but we're stuck in a hospital room.. Please get better Laur😔💔" I post it onto Instagram and a few fans comment "stay strong" then some comment "we hope she's okay, we're praying" and then another one was "#prayforlauren" I find that truly amazing how they are so supportive of the relationship. I decide to clear things up on Twitter "@ddlovato hey guys, I know most of you are wondering why I cancelled a lot of shows this week, and probably next week. Um basically something really bad happened, which I don't want to say because it's not my place. However it caused Lauren to be in hospital and one of her legs is paralysed... And today she had to have major surgery on her abdominal because while we we're doing physiotherapy to get her leg back to full strength she collapsed, and was rushed into immediate surgery. She's recovering now, she's not awake yet, but if you guys could say a pray over dinner or before you sleep wishing her full health! Would be amazing! I'll keep you all posted i love you all❤️" I tweet it and then tweet a final one "@ddlovato but I spoke to my father... he came through to me in my time of need... Thank you, angels do exist😌" I lock my phone before kissing Lauren's hand "Please get better baby..." I whisper to myself...
I lay my head on her stomach not to heavily but enough to feel it and not hurt, I hope.. I feel my eyes close slowly and my head become lighter..

I wake up a few hours later to someone softly playing with my hair, I open my eyes and I'm met with those piercing green eyes I fell in love with "Hey beautiful, sleep well?" She asks, I nod "Are you feeling okay?" I ask "Yeah, I'm a little sore, but you know. I'm good" she says, I lean up to her and peck her lips, she's slowly and steadily lifts her arm to hold me in place... I made out with her for a couple of minutes before pulling away for air "I love you so much Lauren" I say to her, she smiles "I love you so much more Demetria"

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